Russian Journal of Developmental Biology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Distant wave-mediated interactions in early embryonic development of the loachMisgurnus fossilis L.2000/09/01English
Neoplasia in the connective tissue of the musselMytilus trossulus from polluted areas of Nakhodka Bay, Sea of Japan2000/01/01English
L. Wolpert “Principles of development,” Oxford University Press, 19982000/05/01English
The Loach as an object of experimental embryological studies at the Department of Embryology2000/09/01English
Dynamics of chromatin position in the interphase nucleus volume2000/07/01English
To the 60th anniversary of the Department of Embryology, Moscow State University2000/09/01English
Early embryo orientation with respect to the cardinal points in natural clutches of two ranidae species inhabiting geographically distant regions2000/09/01English
The effect of ecoestrogens on the development of the mammalian reproductive system2000/05/01English
Abstracts of papers and posters at the International Symposium on the Inactivation of X Chromosomes in Mammals Novosibirsk, September 6–12, 1999 PAPERS2000/07/01English
Condition of Sex Glands in the Young of the Current Year of Rainbow Trout Subjected to Surfagon Injections2018/03/01English
Sex-Related Differences in Urethra Development in Human Embryos2018/03/01English
Dependence of Root Cell Growth and Division on Root Diameter2018/03/01English
The Role of Transposons in Epigenetic Regulation of Ontogenesis2018/03/01English
Ecological Forms of Black Sea Brown Trout (Salmo trutta labrax) in the Mzymta River as Manifestation of Ontogenetic Plasticity2018/03/01English
The Theory of Tensegrity and Spatial Organization of Living Matter2018/03/01English
Acceleration of embryonic development of Pinus sibirica trees with a one-year reproductive cycle2016/01/01English
Role of GAGA factor in drosophila primordial germ cell migration and gonad development2016/01/01English
Surface microdeformations and regulation of cell movements in Xenopus development2016/01/01English
Reparative neurogenesis in the brain and changes in the optic nerve of adult trout Oncorhynchus mykiss after mechanical damage of the eye2016/01/01English
Variability of quantitative morphogenetic parameters during early morphogenesis of the loach, Misgurnus fossilis L.2016/01/01English
Presence of homeobox gene of Anf class in Pacific lamprey Lethenteron camtschaticum confirms the hypothesis about the importance of emergence of Anf genes for the origin of telencephalon in vertebrate evolution2017/07/01English
Age-related changes in the sympathetic innervation of the pancreas2017/07/01English
Dynamics of activity of intracellular cysteine-dependent proteases and some peptidases in embryogenesis of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L.2017/07/01English
Pigments in egg cells and epidermis of sand dollar Scaphechinus mirabilis2017/07/01English
Rate of oxygen consumption during embryonic development of great ramshorn Planorbarius corneus (Gastropoda)2017/07/01English
Expression of cancer-testis antigens of the Mage family in mouse oocytes and early embryos2017/07/01English
Comparative study of bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells at different stages of ontogeny2017/07/01English
Microfluidics Approaches in Modern Developmental Biology2018/05/01English
Effect of Silver Ions on Copper Metabolism during Mammalian Ontogenesis2018/05/01English
Trachylina: The Group That Remains Enigmatic Despite 150 Years of Investigations2018/05/01English