Russian Journal of Developmental Biology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Changes in the distribution of mitochondria in mouse embryos blocked at the two-cell stage2005/01/01English
Chaikovsky, Yu.V., Evolyutsiya (Evolution), Moscow: Tsentr sistemnykh issledovanii?Inst. Istorii Estestvozn. Tekhn. Ross. Akad. Nauk, 2003, no. 22, Tsenologicheskie issledovaniya (Coenological Studies)2005/01/01English
Development of hind limb bones in chicken embryos under altered temperature and humidity conditions2008/05/01English
A common link in the mechanism of the self-maintenance of malignant growth: The syndrome of the nonhealing wound2000/05/01English
Growth and shaping of the fin and limb buds2000/05/01English
The formation of the right and left heart ventricles from the ventricular part of the cardiac tube during embryogenesis2000/03/01English
About possible functional interaction between serotonin and neuropeptides in control processes of embryogenesis (Experiments on embryos ofTritonia diomedea)2000/03/01English
Scientist, teacher, and public man (Dedicated to the 70th birthday of D. Kh. Khamidov)2000/09/01English
Effects of inhibitors of the synthesis of catecholamines and spiperone on sea urchin and murine embryos2000/01/01English
The activity of exogenous genetic constructs introduced into cells by the technique of ballistic transfection in mouse ontogenesis2000/09/01English
Exposure to sodium butyrate, dimethyl sulfoxide, and phorbol-12-myristine-13-acetate alters sensitivity of K562 cells to nonspecific lysis by human or rat leukocytes2000/01/01English
From the Editorial Board2000/09/01English
Simulation of the cooperative effect of development in cultured early mouse embryos after exposure to electromagnetic irradiation (millimeter range)2000/01/01English
History of contemporary chromosome Analysis: The fundamental contribution of Caspersson’s works2000/03/01English
Nitrosomethylurea disturbs differentiation of mouse embryonic lungs in organ cultures2000/05/01English
A discrete probability model of information support during early embryonic development2000/09/01English
Influence of the culture medium composition on cattle oocyte maturation and embryogenesisin vitro2000/03/01English
Effects of exogenous actin-binding casein kinase injected in oocytes and eggs ofXenopus laevis2000/01/01English
Respiration rate dynamics during early ontogenesis in amphibians2000/09/01English
Dynamics of inorganic ions in microspore and pollen grain during development of the tobacco male gametophyte2000/03/01English
The use of chimeric mice in studying the effects of genomic imprinting2000/09/01English
Mechanisms of regulation of early embryogenesis2000/05/01English
Abstracts of papers endogenous connections in morphogenesis and regeneration—Integrating and control systems: Theory and practice Moscow, December 1–2, 19992000/07/01English
Survival of transgenic mouse embryos carrying different genetic constructs2008/05/01English
A study of proteins of annexin group in early fish development. IV. Identification of calcium-binding proteins in zebrafish egg by mass spectrometry2008/05/01English
Signaling factors of self-organization of protein synthesis rhythm in hepatocyte cultures—gangliosides and catecholamines function independently2008/05/01English
Growth and differentiation of cell hybrids obtained by fusing mouse PCC4aza1 teratocarcinoma cells and mouse spleen cells under different in vitro culture conditions2008/05/01English
Sterols and their transport in animal development2008/05/01English
Distribution system formation in hydroid polyp development2008/05/01English
Peter Holland, homeobox genes, and the developmental basis of animal diversity2008/05/01English