Australian Journal of Teacher Education

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Raising the Bar: Ethics Education for Quality Teachers2011/07/0137
Teacher Professional Standards, Accountability, and Ideology: Alternative Discourses2011/12/0135
Education for Sustainability: A Case Study of Pre-service Primary Teachers' Knowledge and Efficacy2013/05/0134
Student and Staff Engagement: Developing an Engagement Framework in a Faculty of Education2012/04/0133
How Can Schools Support Beginning Teachers? A Call for Timely Induction and Mentoring for Effective Teaching2012/07/0133
Evaluating an English Language Teacher Education Program Through Peacock’s Model2010/01/0133
Learner Autonomy In Language Learning: Student Teachers’ Beliefs2010/01/0131
Preparing Pre-service Teachers for Multicultural Classrooms2010/01/0131
Play in the School Context? The Perspectives of Finnish Teachers2011/08/0131
Blackboard As An Online Learning Environment: What Do Teacher Education Students And Staff Think?2011/07/0130
Teacher Education to Meet the Challenges Posed by Child Sexual Abuse2011/11/0130
Schools as Sites of Race Relations and Intercultural Tension2010/01/0129
Beliefs about Language Learning of Foreign Language- Major University Students2006/09/0129
Preparedness of Pre-service Teachers for Inclusive Education in the Solomon Islands2015/01/0129
Dimensions of Work Engagement and Teacher Burnout: A Study of Relations among Iranian EFL Teachers2018/01/0129
Using Video to Develop Skills in Reflection in Teacher Education Students2014/01/0129
Exploring Teachers’ Assessment Literacy: Impact on Learners’ Writing Achievements and Implications for Teacher Development2018/06/0128
Practising teaching using virtual classroom role plays2016/01/0128
Classroom Management and National Professional Standards for Teachers: A Review of the Literature on Theory and Practice2016/07/0128
Valli’s Typology Of Reflection And The Analysis Of Pre-Service Teachers’ Reflective Journals2008/10/0128
Unpacking the Millennials: A Cautionary Tale for Teacher Education2007/08/0128
Teaching Indigenous Children: Listening To And Learning From Indigenous Teachers2011/10/0128
Teacher Values and Relationship: Factors in Values Education2011/03/0128
Reflection at the Interface of Theory and Practice: an Analysis of Pre-Service English Language Teachers’ Written Reflections2011/04/0127
Why Do You Work with Struggling Students? Teacher Perceptions of Meaningful Work in Trauma-Impacted Classrooms2018/02/0127
Preservice Teachers' Epistemological Beliefs and Conceptions about Teaching and Learning : Cultural Implications for Research in Teacher Education.2004/06/0127
'Being a Teacher' : Developing Teacher Identity and Enhancing Practice Through Metacognitive and Reflective Learning Processes.2003/01/0127
The Effect of a ‘Learning Theories’ Unit on Students’ Attitudes Toward Learning2009/06/0127
Language Teachers’ Self-efficacy Beliefs: A Review of the Literature (2005-2016)2018/04/3026
Mentors Report on Their Own Mentoring Practices2010/01/0126