Gyroscopy and Navigation

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A new control mode greatly improving performance of axisymmetrical vibrating gyroscopes2011/10/01English1
Design, integration and flight test of an autonomous ground collision avoidance system2011/04/01English1
Gyroscopic navigation systems: Current status and prospects2011/07/01English1
Control of mobile robot following a piecewise-smooth path2013/10/01English1
Static balancing of metal resonators of cylindrical resonator gyroscopes2014/10/01English1
Using the method of elementary balances for analysis and synthesis of thermal control system for FOG SINS based on Peltier modules2014/10/01English1
High accuracy positioning of phase center of multifunction airborne radar antenna2013/07/01English1
Algorithm for pedestrian navigation combining IMU measurements and gait models2013/04/01English1
Optical Aircraft Positioning for Monitoring of the Integrated Navigation System during Landing Approach2019/10/01English1
Fuzzy Control of Spacecraft Reaction Wheel2019/10/01English1
UAV Navigation System Autonomous Correction Algorithm Based on Road and River Network Recognition2020/10/01English1
Ensuring Radiation Resistance of Fiber Optic Gyroscopes and Ways to Improve It2018/10/01English1
Attitude Determination Using Ambiguous GNSS Phase Measurements and Absolute Angular Rate Measurements2018/10/01English1
INS-aided GNSS spoofing detection based on two antenna raw measurements2016/04/01English1
On the effectiveness of self-rotation of the polar strapdown ESG housing2016/04/01English1
Gravity anomaly estimation by airborne gravimetry data using LSE and minimax optimization and spherical wavelet expansion2015/10/01English1
Development of a gyro stabilization system with fiber-optic gyroscopes for an air-sea gravimeter2015/10/01English1
Calibration of in-run drifts of strapdown inertial navigation system with uniaxial modulation rotation of measurement unit2017/10/01English1
Quasioptimal estimation of GNSS signal parameters in coherent reception mode using sigma-point Kalman filter2017/01/01English1
Dynamics of Onboard Gravity Gradiometers2020/01/01English1
Role of Navigation Technologies in Mobile Gravimeters Development2020/01/01English1
Accurate and Direct GNSS/PDR Integration Using Extended Kalman Filter for Pedestrian Smartphone Navigation2020/04/01English1
Control and observation via communication channels with limited bandwidth2010/04/01English1
State-of-the-Art Optical Resonator Gyroscopes2023/03/01English
Initial and Final Alignment of a Strapdown Airborne Gravimeter and Accelerometer Bias Determination2023/03/01English
Calculation of Motion Blur Trajectories in a Digital Image as a Special Problem of Inertial Navigation2023/03/01English
Study of the Possibility to Develop a Lunar Navigation Satellite System and a Lunar Orbital Spaceport Using the High Circular Orbits of the Moon Artificial Satellite2023/03/01English
AUV Positioning Algorithms Used in Its Homing and Docking to Underwater Docking Station2023/03/01English
Hemispherical Resonator Gyros (An Overview of Publications)2023/03/01English
Approximately Optimal Stabilization of a Gyroscopic System with Many Degrees of Freedom and Slowly Varying Parameters2023/03/01English