Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Do libertarians dream of electric coins? The material embeddedness of Bitcoin2014/01/02English6
Stuck data, dead data, and disloyal data: the stops and starts in making numbers into social practices2014/05/04English4
An indigestible meal? Foucault, governmentality and state theory2007/01/01English3
Zones of indistinction: family life in Danish asylum centres2011/03/25English2
A Perfect Innovation Engine: The Rise of the Talent World2008/01/01English2
Making sacrifices: how ungenerous gifts constitute jobseekers as scapegoats2016/05/03English2
Recognition and precarity of life arrangement: towards an enlarged understanding of precarious working and living conditions2019/05/04English2
Neoliberal governance and ‘responsibilization’ of agents: reassessing the mechanisms of responsibility-shift in neoliberal discursive environments2017/05/04English1
The problematization of fertility treatment: biopolitics and IVF policy in Denmark2015/09/02English1
Why do we believe in competition? A historical-sociological view of competition as an institutionalized modern imaginary2015/05/04English1
Aeolian politics2015/01/02English1
What's wrong with a one-world world?2015/01/02English1
Rethinking political subjectification: equality beyond a community of sameness2011/12/01English1
The veil of economy: electronic money and the pyramidal structure of societies2014/01/02English1
Brutalization of the social conflict: struggles for recognition in the early 21st century2012/03/14English1
Grammatology of modern recognition orders: an interview with Axel Honneth2012/03/14English1
The Mobile Parliament: Taking Regional Matters of Concern Seriously2009/01/01English1
Integrating Space and Mobilities into the Analysis of Social Inequality2009/01/01English1
Ways of Being Political2002/01/01English1
Eventful Protest, Global Conflicts2008/01/01English1
Low-skill no more! essential workers, social reproduction and the legitimacy-crisis of the division of labour2022/06/15English1
Faith between reason and affect: thinking with Antonio Gramsci2021/06/01English1
Responding as composing: towards a post-anthropocentric, feminist ethics for the Anthropocene2019/05/20English1
The autonomy of gesture: of lifestream logistics and playful profanations2012/12/01English1
Bodies and surveillance: Simondon, information and affect2013/04/01English1
Speaking with things: encoded researchers, social data, and other posthuman concoctions2013/12/01English1
The online crowd: a contradiction in terms? On the potentials of Gustave Le Bon's crowd psychology in an analysis of affective blogging2013/06/03English1
Reproducing the nation: the new German population policy and the concept of demographization2015/09/02English1
Bases of social obligation: the distinction between exchange and role and its consequences2020/09/01English1