New associate editors | 2017/01/02 | English | |
Decolonizing knowledge: neoliberalism beyond the three worlds | 2016/05/03 | English | |
On ecocide: toward a conceptual framework | 2017/09/02 | English | |
Intellectual life in sociological light | 2016/01/02 | English | |
Causation and reason: R. G. Collingwood and causal analysis as the essence of social thinking | 2017/05/04 | English | |
With ‘the delicacy of a bear’: Lévi-Strauss, Derrida, and the logic of anthropology | 2017/01/02 | English | |
From built to performed space: post-election protests in Tehran | 2016/08/23 | English | |
Introduction: thematic section on social pathologies of contemporary modernity | 2016/05/03 | English | |
From social to socio-material pathologies: on Latour, subjectivity and materiality | 2016/05/03 | English | |
Regicide and resistance: Foucault's reconceptualization of power | 2016/01/02 | English | |
The language of the crowd: public congregation in Urban India | 2016/09/01 | English | |
Eco-Marxism and the critical theory of nature: two perspectives on ecology and dialectics | 2017/09/02 | English | |
Spatial culture, processional culture and the materialities of social memory in nineteenth-century Sheffield | 2016/05/11 | English | |
Critique as a practice of prefigurative emancipation | 2017/05/04 | English | |
Crowds, protests and processions: revisiting urban experiences | 2016/09/01 | English | |
Societal cosmopolitanism: the drift from universalism towards particularism | 2017/01/02 | English | |
Two changes to the journal | 2016/01/02 | English | |
Marx and the critique of Actor-Network Theory: mediation, translation, and explanation | 2017/09/02 | English | |
Do online crowds really exist? Proximity, connectivity and collectivity | 2016/08/23 | English | |
Latour's empirical metaphysics | 2016/01/02 | English | |
Cornelius Castoriadis’ agonistic theory of the future of work at Amazon Mechanical Turk | 2024/02/27 | English | |
Theorizing from neglected cases | 2023/10/11 | English | |
Reaction value: affective reflex in the digital public sphere | 2024/03/20 | English | |
Another earth: An astronomical concept of the planet for the environmental humanities | 2024/01/02 | English | |
Book forum: global libidinal economy | 2024/01/02 | English | |
More-than-human gender performativity | 2023/03/02 | English | |
YouTube personalities as infrastructure: assets, attention choreographies and cohortification processes | 2023/03/16 | English | |
Anti-utopian blueprints: populism and Müller’s uncertain city | 2024/01/23 | English | |
Personalization: a new political arithmetic? | 2023/01/04 | English | |
Parklife and the public: 40 years of personalization in the United Kingdom | 2023/02/13 | English | |