Colour Symmetry | 1984/05/01 | English | 41 |
Singular Integrals and Maximal Functions Associated to Surfaces of Revolution | 1996/05/01 | English | 41 |
The Approximation Problem for Banach Spaces | 1973/11/01 | English | 41 |
Affine Coset Spaces of Reductive Algebraic Groups | 1977/03/01 | English | 41 |
Curves in the Hyperbolic Plane and mean Curvature of Tori in 3-Space | 1984/09/01 | English | 41 |
On base sizes for symmetric groups | 2011/01/21 | English | 40 |
Dupin Hypersurfaces | 1983/09/01 | English | 40 |
Commutators of singular integrals revisited | 2018/11/01 | English | 40 |
On the Global Stability of Cooperative Systems | 1994/09/01 | English | 39 |
Colouring Square Lattice Graphs | 1977/03/01 | English | 38 |
Subgroups of small Index in infinite Symmetric Groups | 1986/11/01 | English | 38 |
A Paley-Wiener theorem for Bergman spaces with application to invariant subspaces | 2007/05/04 | English | 37 |
On the Mean-Value Property of Harmonic Functions | 1972/11/01 | English | 37 |
Uncountably many Varieties of Groups | 1970/11/01 | English | 37 |
A Solution to Banach's Hyperplane Problem | 1994/11/01 | English | 37 |
On the First Exit Time of a Completely Asymmetric Stable Process from a Finite Interval | 1996/09/01 | English | 36 |
Densities for Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes with jumps | 2008/12/10 | English | 36 |
Decompositions, approximate structure, transference, and the Hahn-Banach theorem | 2010/06/27 | English | 36 |
On the Uniqueness of Matroid Representations Over GF(4) | 1988/01/01 | English | 36 |
Research Problems in Complex Analysis | 1977/07/01 | English | 36 |
Uniqueness of solutions to weak parabolic equations for measures | 2007/06/18 | English | 35 |
On the ideals and singularities of secant varieties of Segre varieties | 2007/06/22 | English | 35 |
A Counterexample to Several Questions about Scattered Compact Spaces | 1990/05/01 | English | 35 |
Constructions of Partial Difference Sets and Relative Difference Sets on p
-Groups | 1990/11/01 | English | 35 |
Hopf Formulae for the Higher Homology of a Group | 1988/03/01 | English | 35 |
A Blaschke-type condition and its application to complex Jacobi matrices | 2009/01/24 | English | 35 |
Uniqueness of the Fisher–Rao metric on the space of smooth densities | 2016/04/27 | English | 34 |
On Trivalent Graphs | 1971/07/01 | English | 34 |
Action of Automorphisms of a Compact Riemann Surface on the First Homology Group | 1973/03/01 | English | 34 |
Finite Groups and Modular Functions | 1979/10/01 | English | 34 |