The Irreducible Representations of the Symmetric Groups | 1976/11/01 | English | 34 |
Research Problems in Complex Analysis | 1984/09/01 | English | 34 |
Two Combinatorial Problems in Group Theory | 1989/09/01 | English | 34 |
The Riemann hypothesis is true up to 3·1012 | 2021/01/22 | English | 34 |
Brieskorn manifolds in contact topology | 2016/01/14 | English | 34 |
-representation-finite algebras and twisted fractionally Calabi-Yau algebras | 2011/06/01 | English | 33 |
Closed Geodesics on Surfaces | 1982/09/01 | English | 33 |
Link Cobordism and Milnor's Invariant | 1975/03/01 | English | 33 |
On simplicity of reduced C*-algebras of groups | 2006/12/21 | English | 33 |
Ricci solitons on Lorentzian manifolds with large isometry groups | 2011/07/21 | English | 33 |
Inductive McKay condition in defining characteristic | 2011/11/15 | English | 32 |
Bounding |ζ(½+it
)| on the Riemann hypothesis | 2010/11/29 | English | 32 |
Minimal polynomial dynamics on the set of 3-adic integers | 2009/02/27 | English | 32 |
Measures on Projections in W*-algebras of Type II1 | 1983/03/01 | English | 32 |
D.R.E. Degrees and the Nondiamond Theorem | 1989/01/01 | English | 32 |
A Proof of McShane's Identity Via Markoff Triples | 1996/01/01 | English | 32 |
On the Sims Conjecture and Distance Transitive Graphs | 1983/09/01 | English | 32 |
Simplicity of C*-algebras associated to higher-rank graphs | 2007/04/01 | English | 32 |
On the Stable Manifold Theorem | 1970/07/01 | English | 31 |
A Conjecture on the Hall Topology for the Free Group | 1991/07/01 | English | 31 |
Fractional Brownian Fields as Integrals of White Noise | 1993/01/01 | English | 31 |
A Note on Symmetry of Singularities | 1980/05/01 | English | 31 |
Research Problems in Complex Analysis | 1989/01/01 | English | 31 |
Dual Pairs of Hopf *-Algebras | 1993/05/01 | English | 31 |
Coxeter's frieze patterns at the crossroads of algebra, geometry and combinatorics | 2015/11/20 | English | 31 |
Global classical solution and boundedness to a chemotaxis-haptotaxis model with re-establishment mechanisms | 2018/05/15 | English | 31 |
Weighted deterministic walks for the least squares mean on Hadamard spaces | 2014/03/30 | English | 31 |
A Banach Space which Admits No Chaotic Operator | 2001/03/01 | English | 31 |
Vaisman metrics on solvmanifolds and Oeljeklaus-Toma manifolds | 2012/07/09 | English | 31 |
Symmetries of Julia Sets | 1990/11/01 | English | 30 |