Annals of Dyslexia

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Longitudinal twin study of early reading development in three countries: Preliminary results2002/01/01English70
Reading development and dyslexia in a transparent orthography: a survey of Spanish children2007/11/28English68
Native language predictors of foreign language proficiency and foreign language aptitude2006/03/01English67
Matthew effects in children with learning disabilities: Development of reading, IQ, and psychosocial problems from grade 2 to grade 82003/01/01English65
What time may tell: Towards a new conceptualization of developmental dyslexia1999/12/01English64
Phonological processing and emergent literacy in younger and older preschool children2007/12/01English64
The role of gene DCDC2 in German dyslexics2009/02/24English59
Phonological awareness predicts activation patterns for print and speech2009/03/21English59
Is dyslexia a form of specific language impairment? a comparison of dyslexic and language impaired children as adolescents2000/01/01English57
Does a visual-orthographic deficit contribute to reading disability?2005/06/01English56
Dyslexic children show deficits in implicit sequence learning, but not in explicit sequence learning or contextual cueing2010/11/17English54
Longitudinal course of rapid naming in disabled and nondisabled readers1998/12/01English54
Teachers’ literacy-related knowledge and self-perceptions in relation to preparation and experience2005/12/01English52
Phonemic—Morphemic dissociation in university students with dyslexia: an index of reading compensation?2016/10/13English52
Statistical learning and dyslexia: a systematic review2016/10/20English51
Efficacy of Fast ForWord training on facilitating acquisition of reading skills by children with reading difficulties—A longitudinal study2001/01/01English51
Gender ratio in dyslexia1998/12/01English51
Identifying high-functioning dyslexics: is self-report of early reading problems enough?2012/03/24English50
Development of auditory event-related potentials in young children and relations to word-level reading abilities at age 8 years2004/03/01English50
Rapid automatic naming: Easy to measure, hard to improve (quickly)2004/03/01English50
Processing of derived forms in high-functioning dyslexics2006/03/01English49
An interaction-dominant perspective on reading fluency and dyslexia2012/03/30English49
Subtypes of reading disability in a shallow orthography: a double dissociation between accuracy-disabled and rate-disabled readers of Hebrew2010/11/25English47
Benefits of assistive reading software for students with attention disorders2002/01/01English45
How word decoding skill impacts text memory: The centrality deficit and how domain knowledge can compensate2009/05/28English45
Developmental dyslexia: Related to specific or general deficits?1999/12/01English43
Slower implicit categorical learning in adult poor readers2004/12/01English43
Language and reading instruction in early years’ classrooms: the knowledge and self-rated ability of Australian teachers2015/09/23English43
Are we exacerbating students’ learning disabilities? An investigation of preservice teachers’ attributions of the educational outcomes of students with learning disabilities2011/09/02English42
Weak and strong novice readers of english as a foreign language: Effects of first language and socioeconomic status2006/03/01English42