Annals of Dyslexia

Title Publication Date Language Citations
How do illiterate adults react to metalinguistic training?1994/01/01English
Life adjustments of college freshmen with and without learning disabilities1994/01/01English
Dyslexia in adults: Evidence for deficits in non-word reading and in the phonological representation of lexical items1994/01/01English
Training phonological awareness: A study with inner-city kindergarten children1994/01/01English
Stimulating basic reading processes using auditory discrimination in depth1994/01/01English
Analyzing cohesion in language samples of college students: A diagnostic tool1996/01/01English
The 1995 Samuel T. Orton award presented to Jeannette Jefferson Jansky1996/01/01English
Dyslexia and musical notation1994/01/01English
Basic research in speech and lateralization of language: Some implications for reading disability1971/01/01English
The scientific matrix1971/01/01English
The adaptation of the Orton-Gillingham approach for use in a public school system1971/01/01English
Perspectives of language disability1971/01/01English
Education and language learning1971/01/01English
Presentation of the 1970 Samuel T. Orton Award to Lloyd J. Thompson, M.D. November 14, 1971 at the Twenty-first Annual Meeting of The Orton Society1971/01/01English
Quo Vadis?1971/01/01English
Specific language disability programs in Bloomington, Minnesota, public schools1971/01/01English
Perspectives of specific language disability1971/01/01English
Perspectives of specific language disability1971/01/01English
The psychiatric aspects of dyslexia1971/01/01English
Diagnostic and prescriptive teaching1971/01/01English
The Samuel T. Orton award for 19751976/01/01English
IDA urges ILA to review and clarify key points in dyslexia research advisory2016/10/01English
Predicting adult-age mental health with childhood reading and math disability: do resilience and coping styles matter?2023/10/25English
Do we really need a new definition of dyslexia? A commentary2024/03/25English
The critical role of instructional response in defining and identifying students with dyslexia: a case for updating existing definitions2024/03/25English
Phonological syllables allow children with developmental dyslexia to access words2024/02/17English
Intervention targeting different visual attention span components in Chinese children with developmental dyslexia: a study based on Bundesen’s theory of visual attention2023/07/08English