Studies in Art Education

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Child Art: The Beginnings of Self-Affirmation1966/01/01
Review or Reprimand? A Retort to Professor Logan1970/01/01
The Age of Aquarius1971/01/01
Response to Smith's "A Right to the Best"1985/01/01
Editorial: A Note to "Studies" Readers and Authors1985/01/01
Considering an Androgynous Model for Art Education1977/01/01
Editorial: Echoes of the Baby Boom1997/01/01
Critique and Intervention: Implications of Social Theory for Art Education1984/01/01
Making Space for Good Research: A Response to David Templeton1997/01/01
Editorial: The Empty Center: Anthropological Methods for Art Educators1982/01/01
Images of Art Education1965/01/01
An Exercise in Artistic Understanding1982/01/01
Research and the Arts1975/01/01
Art-Based Games1982/01/01
The Place of Art in a High School Subject Matter Preference Scale as Determined by Some College Architectural Majors1962/01/01
Research in Art with the Handicapped: Problems and Promises1981/01/01
Tissue Paper Economics and Other Hidden Dimensions of the Studio Model of Art Instruction1983/01/01
What Is Art for?1992/01/01
Collected Writings: Vol. I, Rembrandt1970/01/01
Editorial: The Object in Our Art Education Landscape, Esthetically Speaking1988/01/01
Toward More Effective Curriculum Development Projects in Art1970/01/01
Both Ends of the Tunnel1981/01/01
Coming to Whose Senses? Potential Impact of a National Arts Education Policy1978/01/01
Instant Art, Instant Culture: The Unspoken Policy for American Schools1984/01/01
Editorial: Excellence versus Egalitarianism: Dilemma for Professors and Professionalism1985/01/01
The Problem of Language and Values in Aesthetic Education1973/01/01
The Future Art Education1971/01/01
Contemporary Art and Art Education1963/01/01
Errata: Children's Drawings of Cubes with Iterative and Non-Iterative Sides1985/01/01
Naturalistic Models of Evaluation: Their Similarities and Differences1983/01/01