Journal of Computational Physics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Weak solutions for extended magnetohydrodynamics using linear combination of entropiesEnglish
A robust computational framework for variational data assimilation of mean flows with sparse measurements corrupted by strong outliersEnglish
Regularized Stokeslet surfacesEnglish
Optimal transport for mesh adaptivity and shock capturing of compressible flowsEnglish
Scalable multiscale-spectral GFEM with an application to composite aero-structuresEnglish
A probabilistic, data-driven closure model for RANS simulations with aleatoric, model uncertaintyEnglish
Efficient Bayesian Physics Informed Neural Networks for inverse problems via Ensemble Kalman InversionEnglish
A structure preserving numerical method for the ideal compressible MHD systemEnglish
Multi-stage neural networks: Function approximator of machine precision2024/05/01English
Stochastic and self-consistent 3D modeling of streamer discharge trees with Kinetic Monte Carlo2024/05/01English
Editorial Board2024/04/01English
Artificial viscosity-based shock capturing scheme for the Spectral Difference method on simplicial elements2024/05/01English
An efficient asymptotic preserving Monte Carlo method for radiative transfer equations2023/11/01English
Robust optimization of control parameters for WEC arrays using stochastic methods2023/11/01English
An adaptive space-time algorithm for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations2023/11/01English
Inner product preconditioned trust-region methods for frequency-domain full waveform inversion2023/11/01English
Optimal explicit stabilized postprocessed τ-leap method for the simulation of chemical kinetics2023/11/01English
Iterative eigenmode tracking for computing the saddle points of general dispersion relationships2023/11/01English
Data-driven probability density forecast for stochastic dynamical systems2023/11/01English
Data-driven stochastic particle scheme for collisional plasma simulations2023/11/01English
Integral equation methods for the Morse-Ingard equations2023/11/01English
Non-intrusive model order reduction for parametric radiation transport simulations2023/11/01English
High order geometric methods with splines: Fast solution with explicit time-stepping for Maxwell equations2023/11/01English
Coupling-strength criteria for sequential implicit formulations2023/11/01English
Quasiperiodic perturbations of Stokes waves: Secondary bifurcations and stability2023/11/01English
An operator-splitting approach for variational optimal control formulations for diffeomorphic shape matching2023/11/01English
An ALE meshfree method for surface PDEs coupling with forced mean curvature flow2023/11/01English
Factorized structure of the long-range two-electron integrals tensor and its application in quantum chemistry2023/11/01English
Learning-based local weighted least squares for algebraic multigrid method2023/11/01English
High-order projection-based upwind method for implicit large eddy simulation2023/11/01English