Journal of Computational Physics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A path integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) method based on Feynman-Kac formula for electrical impedance tomography2023/03/01English
Order enhanced finite volume methods through non-polynomial approximation2023/04/01English
Stable, entropy-pressure compatible subsonic Riemann boundary condition for embedded DG compressible flow simulations2023/03/01English
Editorial Board2023/02/01English
Second-order flows for computing the ground states of rotating Bose-Einstein condensates2023/02/01English
Compact third-order accurate, positive preserving and divergence-free scheme2023/02/01English
Energy landscape analysis for two-phase multi-component NVT flash systems by using ETD type high-index saddle dynamics2023/03/01English
Implementation of low-storage Runge-Kutta time integration schemes in scalable asynchronous partial differential equation solvers2023/03/01English
Continuously bounds-preserving discontinuous Galerkin methods for hyperbolic conservation lawsEnglish
Ten-moment fluid model with heat flux closure for gasdynamic flowsEnglish
Spawning Semiclassical Wavepackets2024/04/01English
Entropy stable far-field boundary conditions for the compressible Navier-Stokes equationsEnglish
A non-overlapping optimization-based domain decomposition approach to component-based model reduction of incompressible flowsEnglish
A parallel multi-resolution Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics model with local time steppingEnglish
Modeling and FDTD discretization of stochastic Maxwell's equations with Drude dispersionEnglish
Editorial BoardEnglish
A multi-directional advection based moment of fluid method for phase change problemsEnglish
Solving a class of multi-scale elliptic PDEs by Fourier-based mixed physics informed neural networksEnglish
Shock-capturing PID controller for high-order methods with data-driven gain optimizationEnglish
The log-conformation formulation for single- and multi-phase axisymmetric viscoelastic flowsEnglish
An edge-based interface tracking (EBIT) method for multiphase-flow simulation with surface tensionEnglish
An entropy conserving/stable discontinuous Galerkin solver in entropy variables based on the direct enforcement of entropy balanceEnglish
A computational approach to modeling flow-induced large deformation of thin-walled compliant vesselsEnglish
Multicontinuum homogenization. General theory and applications2024/04/01English
Stabilized bases for high-order, interpolation semi-Lagrangian, element-based tracer transportEnglish
A flow-reconstruction based approach for the computation of hydrodynamic stresses on immersed body surfaceEnglish
A highly parallel algorithm for simulating the elastodynamics of a patient-specific human heart with four chambers using a heterogeneous hyperelastic modelEnglish
A boundary condition-enhanced direct-forcing immersed boundary method for simulations of three-dimensional phoretic particles in incompressible flows2024/04/01English
Simulating Brownian motion in thermally fluctuating viscoelastic fluids by using the smoothed profile methodEnglish
Algebraically stable SDIRK methods with controllable numerical dissipation for first/second-order time-dependent problemsEnglish