Combustion and Flame

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Effect of particle size on combustion of aluminum particle dust in air2009/01/01English281
Propagation and extinction of premixed C5–C12 n-alkane flames2010/02/01English280
On the extraction of laminar flame speed and Markstein length from outwardly propagating spherical flames2011/02/01English276
Single-coal-particle combustion in O2/N2 and O2/CO2 environments2008/04/01English275
Experimental and kinetic modeling investigation on the laminar flame propagation of ammonia under oxygen enrichment and elevated pressure conditions2019/12/01English272
A path flux analysis method for the reduction of detailed chemical kinetic mechanisms2010/07/01English271
The stabilization mechanism of lifted diffusion flames1966/03/01English271
Unified modeling approach for premixed turbulent combustion—Part I: General formulation1985/07/01English271
Modeling turbulent reacting jets issuing into a hot and diluted coflow2005/07/01English270
Experimental and theoretical investigation of heat and mass transfer processes during wood pyrolysis2010/03/01English269
A consistent chemical mechanism for oxidation of substituted aromatic species2010/10/01English269
Development of an HRTEM image analysis method to quantify carbon nanostructure2011/09/01English268
A comprehensive experimental and modeling study of isobutene oxidation2016/05/01English265
Formation of HNCO, HCN, and NH3 from the pyrolysis of bark and nitrogen-containing model compounds2004/05/01English264
The combined dynamics of swirler and turbulent premixed swirling flames2010/09/01English264
The autoignition of hydrocarbon fuels at high temperatures and pressures—Fitting of a mathematical model1977/01/01English259
Measurement and modelling of the laminar burning velocity of methane-ammonia-air flames at high pressures using a reduced reaction mechanism2019/06/01English255
Experimental and modeling study on ignition delays of lean mixtures of methane, hydrogen, oxygen, and argon at elevated pressures2012/03/01English253
Analysis of non-adiabatic heat-recirculating combustors2003/12/01English252
An experimental and kinetic modeling study of n-butanol combustion2009/04/01English252
Mechanisms of soot nucleation in flames—A critical review1981/01/01English251
An experimental and modeling study of propene oxidation. Part 2: Ignition delay time and flame speed measurements2015/02/01English249
Bio-butanol: Combustion properties and detailed chemical kinetic model2010/02/01English243
An improved H2/O2 mechanism based on recent shock tube/laser absorption measurements2011/04/01English242
A PAH growth mechanism and synergistic effect on PAH formation in counterflow diffusion flames2013/09/01English242
Structural group analysis for soot reduction tendency of oxygenated fuels2008/07/01English242
Reaction pathway of coal oxidation at low temperatures: a model of cyclic chain reactions and kinetic characteristics2016/01/01English242
Ignition of coal particles: A review1989/07/01English239
An experimental and modeling study of propene oxidation. Part 1: Speciation measurements in jet-stirred and flow reactors2014/11/01English235
Impact of fuel formulation on the nanostructure and reactivity of diesel soot2012/12/01English235