Combustion and Flame

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Skeletal mechanism generation for surrogate fuels using directed relation graph with error propagation and sensitivity analysis2010/09/01English234
Remaining uncertainties in the kinetic mechanism of hydrogen combustion2008/03/01English234
Optimized chemical mechanism for combustion of gasoline surrogate fuels2015/05/01English232
The asymptotic structure of stoichiometric methaneair flames1987/05/01English232
Linear time reduction of large kinetic mechanisms with directed relation graph: n-Heptane and iso-octane2006/01/01English230
A physics-based approach to modeling real-fuel combustion chemistry - I. Evidence from experiments, and thermodynamic, chemical kinetic and statistical considerations2018/07/01English230
A criterion based on computational singular perturbation for the identification of quasi steady state species: A reduced mechanism for methane oxidation with NO chemistry2008/09/01English228
Laminar burning velocities at high pressure for primary reference fuels and gasoline: Experimental and numerical investigation2009/02/01English228
Soot formation in laminar diffusion flames2005/12/01English227
Fundamentals of high-energy spark ignition with lasers2004/07/01English227
A CFD study of propane/air microflame stability2004/07/01English227
Comprehensive reaction mechanism for n-butanol pyrolysis and combustion2011/01/01English226
The influence of a cerium additive on ultrafine diesel particle emissions and kinetics of oxidation2005/08/01English226
Detailed characterization of the dynamics of thermoacoustic pulsations in a lean premixed swirl flame2007/07/01English223
Hydrodynamic and diffusion effects on the stability of spherically expanding flames1987/01/01English222
Impact of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) on the oxidative reactivity of diesel engine soot2008/12/01English221
Progress toward a unified detailed kinetic model for the autoignition of alkanes from C4 to C10 between 600 and 1200 K2005/07/01English221
Studies of mean and unsteady flow in a swirled combustor using experiments, acoustic analysis, and large eddy simulations2005/04/01English220
A detailed chemical kinetic modeling, ignition delay time and jet-stirred reactor study of methanol oxidation2016/03/01English220
Summary table of evaluated kinetic data for combustion modeling: Supplement 11994/07/01English219
Transport properties of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons for flame modeling☆1994/01/01English219
Testing a small detailed chemical-kinetic mechanism for the combustion of hydrogen and carbon monoxide2006/04/01English218
Chemiluminescence imaging of an optically accessible non-premixed rotating detonation engine2017/02/01English218
Flame acceleration in the early stages of burning in tubes2007/09/01English218
Effect of molecular structure on incipient soot formation1983/01/01English217
The prediction of the fluctuations in the properties of free, round-jet, turbulent, diffusion flames1975/02/01English216
Lifted methane–air jet flames in a vitiated coflow2005/12/01English215
A general theory of ignition and combustion of nano- and micron-sized aluminum particles2016/07/01English215
Effects of strain rate on high-pressure nonpremixed n-heptane autoignition in counterflow2004/05/01English215
Flame acceleration and DDT in channels with obstacles: Effect of obstacle spacing2008/10/01English214