Combustion and Flame

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Examination of the oxidation behavior of biodiesel soot2006/09/01English351
An experimental and kinetic modeling study of premixed NH3/CH4/O2/Ar flames at low pressure2009/07/01English347
Experimental investigation of the nonlinear response of turbulent premixed flames to imposed inlet velocity oscillations2005/10/01English344
Detailed chemical kinetic oxidation mechanism for a biodiesel surrogate2008/08/01English343
Ignition processes in hydrogenoxygen mixtures1988/10/01English343
An ignition delay and kinetic modeling study of methane, dimethyl ether, and their mixtures at high pressures2015/02/01English340
Calculation methods for reacting turbulent flows: A review1982/01/01English331
Soot in diesel fuel jets: effects of ambient temperature, ambient density, and injection pressure2004/07/01English329
A reduced chemical kinetic model for IC engine combustion simulations with primary reference fuels2008/12/01English323
On the “tulip flame” phenomenon1996/04/01English322
Laminar flame speeds of H2/CO mixtures: Effect of CO2 dilution, preheat temperature, and pressure2007/10/01English313
The laminar burning velocity of flames propagating in mixtures of hydrocarbons and air measured with the heat flux method2004/02/01English312
Soot nanostructure: dependence upon synthesis conditions2004/01/01English310
The experimental evaluation of a methodology for surrogate fuel formulation to emulate gas phase combustion kinetic phenomena2012/04/01English310
Ammonia chemistry in oxy-fuel combustion of methane2009/10/01English310
Combustion of an Illinois No. 6 coal char simulated using an atomistic char representation and the ReaxFF reactive force field2012/03/01English310
A comparative experimental and computational study of methanol, ethanol, and n-butanol flames2010/10/01English308
Laminar burning velocity of propane-air mixtures at high temperature and pressure1980/01/01English306
Effect of cylindrical confinement on the determination of laminar flame speeds using outwardly propagating flames2009/04/01English305
Response of a laminar premixed flame to flow oscillations: A kinematic model and thermoacoustic instability results1996/09/01English305
The prediction of laminar jet diffusion flame sizes: Part I. Theoretical model1977/01/01English302
Combustion kinetics of coal chars in oxygen-enriched environments2006/03/01English299
Local measurements of the time-dependent heat release rate and equivalence ratio using chemiluminescent emission from a flame2004/11/01English296
Laser ignition of nanocomposite thermites2004/09/01English292
Compressible large eddy simulation of turbulent combustion in complex geometry on unstructured meshes2004/06/01English290
An updated experimental and kinetic modeling study of n-heptane oxidation2016/10/01English287
The role of NNH in NO formation and control2011/04/01English286
Detailed chemical kinetic mechanism for the oxidation of biodiesel fuels blend surrogate2010/05/01English284
Combustion characteristics of fuel droplets with addition of nano and micron-sized aluminum particles2011/02/01English282
Kinetic modeling and sensitivity analysis of nitrogen oxide formation in well-stirred reactors1986/08/01English282