The Art Bulletin

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Karen L. Carter and Susan Waller, eds., Foreign Artists and Communities in Modern Paris, 1870–1914: Strangers in Paradise2016/04/02English
Queering the Minimalist Interior2024/01/02English
Welcome to the Gayborhood: Beacon Hill Between the Wars2024/01/02English
Splendeurs des oasis d’Ouzbékistan/The Splendours of Uzbekistan’s Oases , and Sur les routes de Samarcande. Merveilles de soie et d’or/On the Roads to Samarkand: Wonders of Silk and Gold , by Yannick Lintz and Rocco Rante (eds.)yannick lintz and rocco rante, eds. Splendeurs des oasis d’Ouzbékistan: Sur les routes caravanières d’Asie centrale Paris:El Viso et Musée du Louvre Éditions,2022.320 pp.; 282 color ills., 18 b/w.€39 cloth Splendeurs des oasis d’Ouzbékistan/The Splendours of Uzbekistan’s Oases Musée du Louvre,Paris, November 23, 2022–March 6,2023 Sur les routes de Samarcande. Merveilles de soie et d’or Paris:Beaux Arts Éditions,2022.88 pp.; illustrated.€14 cloth Sur les routes de Samarcande. Merveilles de soie et d’or/On the Roads to Samarkand: Wonders of Silk and Gold Institut du Monde Arabe,Paris, November 23, 2022–June 4,20232024/01/02English
The Fragility of Solace: Pothos and Memory in Late Roman Gold-Glass Portraiture2024/01/02English
Constable as a Voyage of Discovery2024/01/02English
“Interior Decorator is Dead”2024/01/02English
Table of Contents2024/01/02English
The Materials of Shame: Decoration, Masculinity, and the Birth of Modern Interior Design2024/01/02English
Sewn in Place: Gender, Materiality, and Mapmaking in the Early United States2024/01/02English
The Art of Cloth in Mughal India , by Sylvia Houghteling; and Sea Change: Ottoman Textiles between the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean , by Amanda Phillipssylviahoughteling The Art of Cloth in Mughal India Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2022. 280 pp.; 162 color ills. $65 clothamanda phillips Sea Change: Ottoman Textiles between the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean Berkeley, CA:University of California Press,2021. 360 pp.; 69 color ills., 2 b/w, 1 map, 10 line drawings. $652024/01/02English
Message from CAA Executive Director2024/01/02English
Grafted Arts: Art Making and Taking in the Struggle for Western India, 1760–1910 , by Holly Shaffer; and The Place of Many Moods: Udaipur’s Painted Lands and India’s Eighteenth Century , by Dipti Kherahollyshaffer Grafted Arts: Art Making and Taking in the Struggle for Western India, 1760–1910 New Haven, CT :Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, with Yale University Press, 2022.320 pp.; 138 color ills., 16 b/w.$55 clothdiptikhera The Place of Many Moods: Udaipur’s Painted Lands and India’s Eighteenth Century Princeton, NJ:Princeton University Press,2020.232 pp.; 159 color ills.$79 cloth2024/01/02English
Editorial Board and Information for Authors2024/01/02English
Editor’s Note2024/01/02English
Cold War Camera , by Thy Phu, Erina Duganne, and Andrea Noble (eds.)thy phu, erina duganne, and andrea noble, eds. Cold War Camera Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2022. 432 pp.; 29 color ills., 75 b/w. $114.952024/01/02English
Title Page2024/01/02English
The Ka‘ba Orientations: Readings in Islam’s Ancient House, by Simon O’Meara; Islam and the Devotional Object: Seeing Religion in Egypt and Syria, by Richard J. A. McGregor; and Hajj and the Arts of Pilgrimage, by Qaisra M. Khan2023/04/03English
Table of Contents2023/04/03English
Message from CAA Executive Director2023/04/03English
Roman Gladiator Knives: Objectification, Mascotting, and the Material Culture of Sport in Ancient Rome2023/04/03English
Title Page2023/04/03English
Mechanical Technologies and Ancient Sculpture2023/04/03English
Editorial Board and Information for Authors2023/04/03English
Architectural Guide to Sub-Saharan Africa, by Philipp Meuser and Adil Dalbai (eds.)2023/04/03English
Image Encounters: Moche Murals and Archaeo Art History, by Lisa Trever2023/04/03English
New Histories of the Papunya Boards, New Beginnings for the Western Desert Painting Movement2023/04/03English
The Big Picture2023/04/03English
The Road to Buenos Aires Is Paved with Good Design: Worldmaking Fantasies and the Latin American Industrial Design Exhibition2023/04/03English
Uneasy Articulations: Magnus Hirschfeld, Art, and Sexual Science in Early Twentieth-Century Germany2023/04/03English