The Art Bulletin

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Semiotics and Art History1991/06/0187
Between Cult and Culture: Bamiyan, Islamic Iconoclasm, and the Museum2002/12/0169
On the Limits of Empathy2006/03/01English36
The Performative Icon2006/12/01English30
Jacopo de' Barbari's View of Venice: Map Making, City Views, and Moralized Geography before the Year 15001978/09/01English25
Decentering Modernism: Art History and Avant-Garde Art from the Periphery2008/12/01English21
Art History and Images That Are Not Art1995/12/0121
The Dome of Heaven1945/03/01English20
Ut Pictura Poesis: The Humanistic Theory of Painting1940/12/01English19
Resurrecting Death: Anatomical Art in the Cabinet of Dr. Frederik Ruysch1996/12/0118
Iconoclasm as Discourse: From Antiquity to Byzantium2012/09/01English17
History of Photography: The State of Research2001/09/0117
"Ars Sine Scientia Nihil Est" Gothic Theory of Architecture at the Cathedral of Milan1949/06/0117
Ut Pictura Poesis: The Humanistic Theory of Painting1940/12/0116
From Symbol to Allegory: Aby Warburg's Theory of Art1997/03/0116
Gesture and Alterity in the Art of Ashurnasirpal II of Assyria1998/06/0115
The Perspective Plan in the Sixteenth Century: The Invention of a Representational Language1994/03/0115
On Modes of Visual Narration in Early Buddhist Art1990/09/0115
The White Peril and L'Art negre: Picasso, Primitivism, and Anticolonialism1990/12/0115
On Beautiful Women, Parmigianino,Petrarchismo, and the Vernacular Style1976/09/01English14
The Origin of Painting: A Problem in the Iconography of Romantic Classicism1957/12/01English14
The State of Art History: Contemporary Art2010/12/01English14
The Sound of Light: Reflections on Art History in the Visual Culture of Hip-Hop2009/12/01English14
Minimalism and Biography2000/03/0114
Planning Memory: Living Memorials in the United States during World War II2002/03/0114
The Secret of the Mediaeval Masons1945/03/0114
Mme. de Pompadour as a Patron of the Visual Arts1990/03/0113
Labeur and Paresse: Ideological Representations of Medieval Peasant Labor1990/09/0113
Some Observations on Recent Architectural History1988/06/0113
The Carolingian Revival of Early Christian Architecture1942/03/01English13