IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking

Title Publication Date Language Citations
How to Evaluate Semantic Communications for Images With ViTScore Metric?2024/01/01
Unsupervised Federated Optimization at the Edge: D2D-Enabled Learning Without Labels2024/01/01
Two Layer Stackelberg Game-Based Resource Allocation in Cloud-Network Convergence Service Computing2024/01/01
Aerial RIS-Aided Physical Layer Security: Optimal Deployment and Partitioning2024/01/01
Learning and Model-Based Approaches for Radar Target Detection2024/01/01
A Novel Privacy-Preserving Incentive Mechanism for Multi-Access Edge Computing2024/01/01
Integrated Sensing and Communication Signal Processing Based On Compressed Sensing Over Unlicensed Spectrum Bands2024/01/01
Multi-Channel CNN-Based Open-Set RF Fingerprint Identification for LTE Devices2024/01/01
On Temporal and Spatial Behaviors of CBRS SAS2024/01/01
Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning-Based Joint Caching and Routing in Heterogeneous Networks2024/01/01
Coded Distributed Computing for Resilient, Secure and Private Matrix-Vector Multiplication in Edge-Enabled Metaverse2024/01/01
Towards Intelligent and Adaptive Task Scheduling for 6G: An Intent-Driven Framework2024/01/01
Collaborative Learning Based Spectrum Sensing Under Partial Observations2024/01/01
Asynchronous Multi-Model Dynamic Federated Learning Over Wireless Networks: Theory, Modeling, and Optimization2024/01/01
Binarized ResNet: Enabling Robust Automatic Modulation Classification at the Resource-Constrained Edge2024/01/01
Generative Adversarial Networks Based Channel Estimation for Intelligent Reflecting Surface Assisted mmWave MIMO Systems2024/01/01
Massive MIMO for Massive Industrial Internet of Things Networks : Operation, Performance, and Challenges2024/01/01
Influence of Noise Uncertainty Source and Model On the SNR Wall of Energy Detection2024/01/01
Price of Anarchy in mmWave Backhaul Routing and Link Scheduling2024/01/01
Multi-Agent Multi-Armed Bandit Learning for Grant-Free Access in Ultra-Dense IoT Networks2024/01/01
Network Resource Allocation for Industry 4.0 With Delay and Safety Constraints2024/02/01
Meta Reinforcement Learning-Based Spectrum Sharing Between RIS-Assisted Cellular Communications and MIMO Radar2024/02/01
Wireless Interference Identification With Convolutional Neural Networks Based on the FPGA Implementation of the LTE Cell-Specific Reference Signal (CRS)2024/02/01
Resource Allocation for Multi-Target Radar Tracking via Constrained Deep Reinforcement Learning2023/12/01
Sparse Bayesian Learning-Based 3-D Radio Environment Map Construction—Sampling Optimization, Scenario-Dependent Dictionary Construction, and Sparse Recovery2024/02/01
Spectrum Recommendation in Cognitive Internet of Things: A Knowledge-Graph-Based Framework2024/02/01
Pattern Design and Power Management for Cognitive LEO Beaming Hopping Satellite-Terrestrial Networks2023/12/01
Location Privacy and Spectrum Efficiency Enhancement in Spectrum Sharing Systems2023/12/01
Connectivity of Intelligent Reflecting Surface Assisted Network via Percolation Theory2023/12/01
A Federated Learning and Deep Q-Network-Based Cooperative Resource Allocation Algorithm for Multi-Level Services in Mobile-Edge Computing Networks2023/12/01