IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Cache Enabled UAV HetNets: Access - xHaul Coverage Analysis and Optimal Resource Partitioning2024/02/01
Streamlining Multimodal Data Fusion in Wireless Communication and Sensor Networks2024/02/01
Spectrum Prediction for Protocol-Aware RF Jamming2024/04/01
OFDM Receiver Design With Learning-Driven Automatic Modulation Recognition2024/04/01
An Extreme Value Theory-Based Approach for Reliable Drone RF Signal Identification2024/04/01
Class-Incremental Learning for Recognition of Complex-Valued Signals2024/04/01
CRNN-ResNet: Combined CRNN and ResNet Networks for OFDM Receivers2024/01/01
Data Augmentation and Individual Identification Method for Emitters Using Contour Stella Image Mapping2024/01/01
Automatic Modulation Classification in Impulsive Noise: Log-Domain 3D Constellation Diagrams and Multiscale Dual-Convolutional 3DCNN2024/01/01
Channel and Hardware Impairment Data Augmentation for Robust Modulation Classification2024/01/01
Drone Identification Based on Normalized Cyclic Prefix Correlation Spectrum2024/01/01
Channel Capacity of RIS-Assisted Symbiotic Radios With Imperfect Knowledge of Channels2024/01/01
Online Decentralized Scheduling in Fog Computing for Smart Cities Based On Reinforcement Learning2024/01/01
Federated Distillation in Massive MIMO Networks: Dynamic Training, Convergence Analysis and Communication Channel-Aware Learning2024/01/01
Transformer-Based RIS Phase Shift Control for Ultra-Low Latency V2X Systems2024/01/01
Feature Importance-Aware Task-Oriented Semantic Transmission and Optimization2024/01/01
RobustRMC: Robustness Interpretable Deep Neural Network for Radio Modulation Classification2024/01/01
Channel-Robust Class-Universal Spectrum-Focused Frequency Adversarial Attacks on Modulated Classification Models2024/01/01
Toward the Automatic Modulation Classification With Adaptive Wavelet Network2023/06/01
Priority-Aware Deployment of Autoscaling Service Function Chains based On Deep Reinforcement Learning2024/01/01
Joint Source-Channel Coding for a Multivariate Gaussian Over a Gaussian MAC Using Variational Domain Adaptation2023/12/01
Will Emerging Millimeter-Wave Cellular Networks Cause Harmful Interference to Weather Satellites?2023/12/01
Adversarial Autoencoder Empowered Joint Anomaly Detection and Signal Reconstruction From Sub-Nyquist Samples2023/06/01
Channel Estimation for Indoor Massive MIMO Visible Light Communication With Deep Residual Convolutional Blind Denoising Network2023/06/01
Efficient Computation Offloading and Resource Allocation Scheme for Opportunistic Access Fog-Cloud Computing Networks2023/04/01
Modeling and Classifying Error-Correcting Codes With Soft Decision-Based HMMs for Intelligent Wireless Communication2023/04/01
Stackelberg Game for Secure CR-NOMA Networks Against Internal Eavesdropper2023/04/01
Deep Recurrent Reinforcement Learning-Based Distributed Dynamic Spectrum Access in Multichannel Wireless Networks With Imperfect Feedback2023/04/01
Secrecy Analysis of Underlay CRN in the Presence of Correlated and Imperfect Channel2023/06/01
Thompson Sampling-Based Dynamic Spectrum Access in Non-Stationary Environments2023/06/01