Problems of Information Transmission

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A method for proving nonexistence of spherical designs of odd strength and odd cardinality2009/06/01English
Asymptotically optimal perfect steganographic systems2009/06/01English
Remark on “On Error-free Filtering of Finite-State Singular Processes under Dependent Distortions” published in Probl. Peredachi Inf., 2007, no. 42009/06/01English
Local and interweight spectra of completely regular codes and of perfect colorings2009/06/01English
On complete one-way functions2009/06/01English
On weak isometries of Preparata codes2009/06/01English
Exact formulas for computation of reception characteristics of a signal with unknown appearance and disappearance times2009/06/01English
Geometric relationship between parallel hyperplanes, quadrics, and vertices of a hypercube2012/04/01English
Finding one of D defective elements in some group testing models2012/04/01English
Steiner triple systems S(2 m − 1, 3, 2) of rank 2 m − m+ 1 over $$\mathbb{F}_2$$2012/04/01English
On frequency estimation for a periodic ergodic diffusion process2012/04/01English
Proof of one inequality in identification theory2012/04/01English
Reconstruction of cyclic words from their fragments2012/04/01English
Toom’s partial order is transitive2012/04/01English
Sequential estimation of a threshold crossing time for a Gaussian random walk through correlated observations2012/04/01English
Conditions for coincidence of the classical capacity and entanglement-assisted capacity of a quantum channel2012/04/01English
A new class of quaternary codes2006/01/01English
Construction of perfect q-ary codes by switchings of simple components2006/01/01English
On raw coding of chaotic dynamics2006/01/01English
A proof of one correlation inequality2009/09/01English
The smallest known length of an ordered system of generators of a symmetric group2009/09/01English
Erasure correction by low-density codes2009/09/01English
On symmetric matrices with indeterminate leading diagonals2009/09/01English
Coverings, centered codes, and combinatorial steganography2009/09/01English
On one top news list model2009/09/01English
The MAP/M/N retrial queueing system with time-phased batch arrivals2009/09/01English
On asymptotic description of a probabilistic change-point model for a two-state discrete Markov process2009/09/01English
Binary perfect and extended perfect codes of lengths 15 and 16 and of ranks 13 and 142010/03/01English
Stability of properties of Kolmogorov complexity under relativization2010/03/01English
Method of asymptotic semiinvariants for studying a mathematical model of a random access network2010/03/01English