Problems of Information Transmission

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Almost cover-free codes2016/04/01English
On interval modal logic with “after” relation2016/04/01English
Doubly randomized protocols for a random multiple access channel with “success–nonsuccess” feedback2016/04/01English
Some new results on Hadamard modulo prime matrices2016/04/01English
On Detection of Gaussian Stochastic Sequences2017/09/04English
On One Problem in Multichannel Signal Detection2017/09/20English
On the Number of Edges of a Uniform Hypergraph with a Range of Allowed Intersections2017/06/25English
Independence Numbers of Random Subgraphs of Some Distance Graph2017/05/04English
Quantifier Alternation in First-Order Formulas with Infinite Spectra2017/04/15English
On Spectra of Linear Codes2017/09/19English
Stochastic Operation Induced by Group Allocation of Particles and Generalized Branching Processes2017/03/01English
The Newton and Coulomb laws as information transfer by virtual particles2016/07/01English
The problem of fair division for a hybrid resource2016/07/01English
Classical capacities of quantum channels with environment assistance2016/07/01English
On perfect codes that do not contain Preparata-like codes2016/07/01English
On the symmetry group of the Mollard code2016/07/01English
On extending propelinear structures of the Nordstrom–Robinson code to the Hamming code2016/07/01English
Multicomponent codes with maximum code distance2016/07/01English
Half-Life and the Uncertainty Principle2023/12/01English
On the Classification of Completely Regular Codes with Covering Radius Two and Antipodal Duals2023/07/01English
Effective Error Floor Estimation Based on Importance Sampling with the Uniform Distribution2023/12/01English
Convolutional Codes with Optimum Bidirectional Distance Profile2023/07/01English
Time Synchronization in Satellite Quantum Key Distribution2023/12/01English
Generalization of Formulas for Queue Length Moments under Nonordinary Poissonian Arrivals for Batch Queues in Telecommunication Systems2023/12/01English
Design and Decoding of Polar Codes with Large Kernels: A Survey2023/01/01English
Series of Formulas for Bhattacharyya Parameters in the Theory of Polar Codes2023/01/01English
Testing the Satisfiability of Algebraic Formulas over the Field of Two Elements2023/01/01English
Batch Poissonian Arrival Models of Multiservice Network Traffic2023/01/01English
Codes for Exact Support Recovery of Sparse Vectors from Inaccurate Linear Measurements and Their Decoding2023/01/01English
Overparameterized Maximum Likelihood Tests for Detection of Sparse Vectors2023/01/01English