Journal of Signal Processing Systems

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A Review of Region-Based Image Retrieval2008/11/01English26
Video Streaming with Network Coding2009/02/21English25
Direction-of-Arrival Estimation Methods: A Performance-Complexity Tradeoff Perspective2019/08/16English25
Encrypted Biography of Biomedical Image - a Pentalayer Cryptosystem on FPGA2018/02/15English25
Power Signature Watermarking of IP Cores for FPGAs2007/10/04English24
Overview of the MPEG Reconfigurable Video Coding Framework2009/07/25English24
Finding Maximum Cliques on the D-Wave Quantum Annealer2018/05/03English24
Resource-Constrained and Socially Selfish-Based Incentive Algorithm for Socially Aware Networks2023/11/07English23
Discovering Biclusters by Iteratively Sorting with Weighted Correlation Coefficient in Gene Expression Data2007/08/16English23
An Embedded Real-Time Surveillance System: Implementation and Evaluation2007/08/16English23
An Energy-Efficient Hardware Implementation of HOG-Based Object Detection at 1080HD 60 fps with Multi-Scale Support2015/12/04English23
Hybrid Facial Regions Extraction for Micro-expression Recognition System2017/08/19English23
Group Study of Simulated Driving fMRI Data by Multiset Canonical Correlation Analysis2011/01/13English23
Development of Multi-Level Speech based Person Authentication System2016/06/04English22
Real-time Visual Tracker by Stream Processing2008/07/12English22
Machine Health Indicator Construction Framework for Failure Diagnostics and Prognostics2020/01/03English22
Verification and Design Methods for the BrainScaleS Neuromorphic Hardware System2020/07/09English21
Hardware Implementation of Successive-Cancellation Decoders for Polar Codes2012/07/11English21
The PANOPTIC Camera: A Plenoptic Sensor with Real-Time Omnidirectional Capability2012/03/14English21
Software Code Generation for the RVC-CAL Language2009/06/27English21
Deep Model Compression and Architecture Optimization for Embedded Systems: A Survey2020/10/12English21
Fast Low-Complexity Decoders for Low-Rate Polar Codes2016/08/23English21
An Integrated Data Preprocessing Framework Based on Apache Spark for Fault Diagnosis of Power Grid Equipment2016/03/02English21
Synthesizing Hardware from Dataflow Programs2009/07/11English20
A Robust Watermarking Scheme Using Sequency-ordered Complex Hadamard Transform2010/05/21English20
Data and Decision Intelligence for Human-in-the-Loop Cyber-Physical Systems: Reference Model, Recent Progresses and Challenges2017/11/09English20
A Latency-Aware Multiple Data Replicas Placement Strategy for Fog Computing2019/02/22English20
An Efficient Small Traffic Sign Detection Method Based on YOLOv32020/11/20English20
Deep Learning for Automated Occlusion Edge Detection in RGB-D Frames2016/12/08English20
QRS Detection Based on Morphological Filter and Energy Envelope for Applications in Body Sensor Networks2009/11/18English19