Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Finite-time blow-up in the higher-dimensional parabolic–parabolic Keller–Segel system2013/11/01English609
The Dirichlet problem for the fractional Laplacian: Regularity up to the boundary2014/03/01English436
Unique solvability of the initial boundary value problems for compressible viscous fluids2004/02/01English235
Asymptotic behavior for nonlocal diffusion equations2006/09/01English202
On the classification of solutions of the Lane–Emden equation on unbounded domains of RN2007/05/01English187
Liouville theorems for symmetric diffusion operators on complete Riemannian manifolds2005/10/01English168
A Beale–Kato–Majda blow-up criterion for the 3-D compressible Navier–Stokes equations2011/01/01English151
Volume effects in the Keller–Segel model: energy estimates preventing blow-up2006/08/01English149
On the existence of global weak solutions to the Navier–Stokes equations for viscous compressible and heat conducting fluids2007/01/01English144
Analysis of the periodically fragmented environment model: II—biological invasions and pulsating travelling fronts2005/08/01English143
General relative entropy inequality: an illustration on growth models2005/09/01English136
Local exact controllability of the Navier–Stokes system2004/12/01English136
Flocking in noisy environments2008/03/01English127
Uniqueness of the solution to the Vlasov–Poisson system with bounded density2006/07/01English114
Discrete time, finite state space mean field games2010/03/01English108
Normalized solutions for a system of coupled cubic Schrödinger equations on R32016/10/01English103
Double phase anisotropic variational problems and combined effects of reaction and absorption terms2018/10/01English103
On the construction of approximate solutions for the 2D viscous shallow water model and for compressible Navier–Stokes models2006/10/01English101
An approximation result for special functions with bounded deformation2004/07/01English98
A new regularity criterion for weak solutions to the Navier–Stokes equations2005/11/01English95
Qualitative properties of monostable pulsating fronts: exponential decay and monotonicity2008/04/01English93
Global well-posedness of Korteweg–de Vries equation in H−3/4(R)2009/06/01English93
Breaking the curse of dimensionality in sparse polynomial approximation of parametric PDEs2015/02/01English90
On a p-Laplace equation with multiple critical nonlinearities2009/02/01English90
Global dynamics of a Lotka–Volterra competition–diffusion–advection system in heterogeneous environments2019/01/01English89
Existence, uniqueness and asymptotic stability of time periodic traveling waves for a periodic Lotka–Volterra competition system with diffusion2011/06/01English89
Traveling fronts in space–time periodic media2009/09/01English88
Local controllability of a 1-D Schrödinger equation2005/07/01English86
Asymptotic models for internal waves2008/06/01English84
Local controllability of 1D linear and nonlinear Schrödinger equations with bilinear control2010/11/01English79