Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Existence and uniqueness results for a coupled problem related to the stationary Navier-Stokes system1997/04/01English
Weighted slice rank and a minimax correspondence to Strassen's spectra2023/04/01English
Weights of holomorphic extension and restriction1998/09/01English
Prescribed scalar curvature on a complete Riemannian manifold in the negative case2000/11/01English
Infinite dimensional quasi continuity, path continuity and ray continuity of functions with fractional regularity2001/01/01English
Etude locale d'opérateurs de courbure sur l'espace hyperbolique1999/04/01French
Courbure scalaire prescrite sur une variété riemannienne C∞ compacte dans le cas nul1998/09/01French
Smoothness of stopping timesof diffusion processes1999/12/01English
On Ricci curvature of certain complex bundles2000/11/01English
Calcul d'erreur complet lipschitzien et formes de Dirichlet2001/11/01French
On the best Sobolev inequality1999/04/01English
Approximate controllability of the Stokes system on cylinders by external unidirectional forces1997/04/01English
Integration by parts for heat measures over loop groups1999/11/01English
Caracterisation des courants associes aux cycles algebriques par leur transforme de Chow2000/01/01French
Une hypothèse topologique pour le problème de la courbure scalaire prescrite1997/12/01French
Transformations isotropes des germes de feuilletages holomorphes1999/09/01English
Complex Riemannian metric and absorbing boundary conditions2001/09/01English
Editorial Board2024/02/01French
General curvature estimates for stable H-surfaces immersed into a space form1999/09/01English
On the existence of a global strong radial symmetric solution for a third-order nonlinear evolution equation in two space dimensions2001/06/01English
Precise spectral asymptotics for perturbed magnetic Schrödinger operator1997/03/01English
Eigenmode Asymptotics in Thin Elastic Plates1999/11/01English
Equations elliptiques du quatrième ordre avec exposants critiques sur les variétés riemanniennes compactes2001/11/01French
The motion of a particle on a light viscoelastic bar: asymptotic analysis of its quasilinear parabolic–hyperbolic equation2002/01/01English
Uniforms hypoelliptic Green's functions1998/03/01English
Moment methods and formal power series1997/03/01English
On a singular perturbation going out of the energy space2000/06/01English
Classification of 2-dimensional contracting rigid germs and Kato surfaces: I2000/05/01English
The limit of Dirichlet systems for variable monotone operators in general perforated domains2002/01/01English
Editorial Board2023/09/01French