Asian Journal of Women's Studies

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Gender and Job Turnover in the Dual Labor Market: A Korean Perspective2010/01/01English9
Endless Misery of Nimble Fingers: The Rana Plaza Disaster2014/01/01English9
Premarital Pregnancies among Migrant Workers: The Case of Domestic Helpers in Hong Kong2010/01/01English9
Empowered or Disempowered? Women's Participation in a Development Project in Rural China2012/01/01English9
Exploring the Effect of Four Factors on Affirmative Action Programs for Women2014/01/01English9
Women's Empowerment in Building Disaster Resilient Communities2014/01/01English9
The Politics of Institutionalizing Feminist Knowledge: Discussing “Asian’ Women's Studies in South Korea2010/01/01English9
Women's Potential in Dealing with Natural Disasters: A Case Study from Sri Lanka2014/01/01English9
Out of the shadows: Women and wage struggle in the RMG industry of Bangladesh2017/04/03English9
Feminist Participatory Action Research (FPAR): An effective framework for empowering grassroots women & strengthening feminist movements in Asia Pacific2016/04/02English9
Do home-based micro-entrepreneurial earnings empower rural women? Evidence from the handloom sector in Assam2016/07/02English9
The quieter side of Chinese feminism: The feminist phenomenology of Li Yu's films2016/01/02English9
Evaluating Labor Force Participation of Women in Japan and Korea: Developments and Future Prospects2017/07/03English8
Outside the net: Intersectionality and inequality in the fisheries of Trincomalee, Sri Lanka2017/10/02English8
The Concept of State Feminism and the Case for Hong Kong2002/01/01English8
The Feminization of Poverty among the Elderly Population of Hong Kong2001/01/01English8
Feminism, sexual violence and the times of #MeToo in India2020/04/02English8
Narrative Identity Negotiation between Cultures: Storytelling by Korean Immigrant Career Women2012/01/01English8
Gender and Livelihoods: A Case Study of the Mah Meri and the Oil Palm Plantations of Carey Island2011/01/01English8
A Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name: Exploring the Marginalized Status of Lesbians, Bisexual Women, and Trans-men in India2014/01/01English8
Worker, Woman, Mother: Redefining Urban Chinese Women's Identity via Motherhood and the Global Workplace2008/01/01English8
Feminist Consciousness and Women's Education: The Case of Women's Studies, Ewha Womans University2008/01/01English8
Human Rights and the LGBTI Movement in Indonesia2013/01/01English8
Material Girls: Sexual Perceptions of Korean Teenage Girls who have experienced ‘Compensated Dates’2003/01/01English8
Women's coping strategies and help-seeking practices: Some observations on domestic violence in rural Bangladesh2015/07/03English8
Indigenous women and the law: The consciousness of marginalized women in the Philippines2017/04/03English8
Riverbank erosion and its impact on rural women: Case study of Ulania village in Bangladesh2019/01/02English8
“Leftover? I am a victorious woman!”– the potential for the emergence of a new womanhood2020/01/02English7
Chinese first, woman second: Social media and the cultural identity of female immigrants2021/01/02English7
Individualizing the sexual revolution in China: Staging, enjoying, and experiencing sexuality2018/10/02English7