Asian Journal of Women's Studies

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Individual and collective empowerment: Women's voices in the #MeToo movement in China2019/01/02English36
Feminist activism via social media in China2020/04/02English27
Labor Migration, Trafficking and International Marriage: Female Cross-Border Movements into Japan1999/01/01English26
A red card for women: Female officials ostracized in South Korean football2016/04/02English23
A gender-based analysis of multidimensional poverty in China2017/01/02English22
The effect of microfinance on women’s empowerment: Evidence from Malaysia2016/07/02English22
Barriers and enablers of women’s academic careers in Pakistan2019/04/03English19
From Housewives to Activists: Lived Experiences of Mothers for Disability Rights in Taiwan2009/01/01English19
Gender Role Stereotyping in Hong Kong's Primary School Chinese Language Subject Textbooks2004/01/01English19
Precarious motherhood: Lives of Southeast Asian marriage migrant women in Korea2015/10/02English18
How can family policies reconcile fertility and women’s employment? Comparisons between South Korea and Sweden2016/07/02English18
Whither feminist alliance? Secular feminists and Islamist women in Turkey2017/07/03English18
Gender and Political Participation: News Consumption, Political Efficacy and Interpersonal Communication2013/01/01English17
Changing Patterns of Matchmaking: The Indian Online Matrimonial Market2013/01/01English16
‘Purani aur nai shaadi:’Separation, Divorce, and Remarriage in the Lives of the Urban Poor in New Delhi2011/01/01English14
Wielding Masculinity inside Abu Ghraib: Making Feminist Sense of an American Military Scandal2004/01/01English14
Normalization of “Second Wives”: Gender Contestation in Hong Kong1996/01/01English14
Not a mother, yet a woman: Exploring experiences of women opting out of motherhood in India2018/04/03English13
The Patriarchy in China: An Investigation of Public and Private Spheres1999/01/01English13
Empowerment of WomenPanchayatMembers: Learning from Kerala (India)2000/01/01English13
Asian Migrant Women's Employment Participation: Patterns, Determinants and Differentials2008/01/01English13
Feminism without guarantees: Reflections on teaching and researching feminist activism in China2020/04/02English11
Patterns of help-seeking among women experiencing intimate partner violence in Malaysia2015/01/02English11
Transnational feminism and women’s activism: Building resilience to climate change impact through women’s empowerment in climate smart agriculture2016/10/01English10
Affirmation, Pain and Empowerment2008/01/01English10
Women’s subordination in Confucian culture: Shifting breadwinner practices2019/07/03English10
Women in Higher Education Management in Thailand1997/01/01English10
Negotiating and Rethinking Local Culture: The Narratives of Indonesian Women Juggling Higher Education, Work, and Domestic Roles2013/01/01English10
Spaces, Power and Empowerment in India: the Inter-linkage with Domestic Violence2006/01/01English10
Preachers, pirates and peace-building: Examining non-violent hegemonic masculinities in Aceh2018/07/03English9