Intercultural Pragmatics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Proficiency, length of stay, and intensity of interaction and the acquisition of conventional expressions in L2 pragmatics2011/01/0184
Deliberate Metaphor Theory: Basic assumptions, main tenets, urgent issues2017/01/0184
Cultural scripts: What are they and what are they good for?2004/01/2458
Socio-cultural perspectives on pragmatic development in foreign language learning: Microgenetic case studies from telecollaboration and residence abroad2005/01/1253
Strategies for learning and performing L2 speech acts2005/01/1943
The relationship between conceptual metaphor and culture2013/01/2438
Further notes on sociolinguistic scales2015/01/0136
Intercultural pragmatics in the speech of American L2 learners of Russian: Apologies offered by Americans in Russian2005/01/1236
The Importance of “Place” in Japanese Politeness: Implications for Cross-Cultural and Intercultural Analyses2005/01/0135
Failed humor: Issues in non-native speakers' appreciation and understanding of humor2010/01/0134
American and Chinese complaints: Strategy use from a cross-cultural perspective2011/01/0133
Making Space for Bilingual Communicative Practice2005/01/0132
Irony from a neo-Gricean perspective: On untruthfulness and evaluative implicature2013/01/1431
Editorial: Lexical merging, conceptual blending, and cultural crossing2004/01/0231
An experimental study of native speaker perceptions of non-native request modification in e-mails in English2010/01/0131
On trying and lying: Cultural configurations of Grice's Maxim of Quality2010/01/0130
On lying: intentionality, implicature, and imprecision2011/01/0130
Cross-cultural variation in the perception of impoliteness: A study of impoliteness events reported by students in England, China, Finland, Germany and Turkey2010/01/0130
Not just words: Korean social models and the use of honorifics2004/01/2429
“Swear words” and “curse words” in Australian (and American) English. At the crossroads of pragmatics, semantics and sociolinguistics2015/01/0128
Elasticity of vague language2011/01/0127
“Trolling is not stupid”: Internet trolling as the art of deception serving entertainment2016/01/0127
Invitations in Persian and English: Ostensible or genuine?2005/01/1227
Pragmatics and intercultural mediation in intercultural language learning2014/01/0126
On the priority of salience-based interpretations: The case of sarcastic irony2015/01/0125
Chinese categorization of interpersonal relationships and the cultural logic of Chinese social interaction: An indigenous perspective2004/01/2423
A genre approach to impoliteness1 in a Spanish television talk show: Evidence from corpus-based analysis, questionnaires and focus groups2010/01/0123
Current issues in neo-Gricean pragmatics2005/01/2022
Speech acts in (inter)action: Repeated questions2004/01/0222
Relevance Theory, Grice and the neo-Griceans: a response to Laurence Horn’s ‘Current issues in neo-Gricean pragmatics’2005/01/1922