Intercultural Pragmatics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Thou shalt not be a tall poppy: Describing an Australian communicative (and behavioral) norm2004/01/0222
Intention to deceive, bald-faced lies, and deceptive implicature: Insights into Lying at the semantics-pragmatics interface2015/01/0122
Revisiting the typology of pragmatic interpretations2016/01/0121
‘‘Yes, tell me please, what time is the midday flight from Athens arriving?’’: Telephone service encounters and politeness2005/01/1920
Language as Dialogue2010/01/0120
Conceptualizations of politeness and impoliteness in Greek2010/01/0119
Evaluations of im/politeness of an intercultural apology2011/01/0119
Using task-based pragmatics tutorials while studying abroad in China2010/01/0119
Your kids are so stinkin' cute! :-): Complimenting behavior on Facebook among family and friends2013/11/15English18
On the mitigating function of modality and evidentiality. Evidence from English and Spanish medical research papers2015/01/0118
Interactional Sociolinguistics as a resource for Intercultural Pragmatics2005/01/2017
Rapport management theory and culture2005/01/1917
Impoliteness in Germany: Intercultural encounters in everyday and institutional talk2010/01/0117
Introduction: The status-quo and quo vadis of impoliteness research2010/01/0117
Preference structure in L2 Arabic requests2014/01/0117
Cultural schemas in intercultural communication: A study of the Persian cultural schema of sharmandegi ‘being ashamed’2011/01/0117
Parallels and differences in the treatment of metaphor in relevance theory and cognitive linguistics2011/01/0117
Teachability and bilingualism effects on third language learners' pragmatic knowledge2012/01/2717
Pragmatic challenges in the communication of emotions in intercultural couples2018/02/2316
Between culture and pragmatics: Scylla and Charybdis? The precarious condition of intercultural pragmatics2004/01/0216
The master and his performance: An interview with Noam Chomsky2004/01/0216
The ethnopragmatics of the diminutive in conversational Colombian Spanish2004/01/2416
“Joking, kidding, teasing”: Slippery categories for cross-cultural comparison but key words for understanding Anglo conversational humor2018/10/2516
Toward a typology of constative speech acts: Actions beyond evidentiality, epistemic modality, and factuality2016/01/0115
Impoliteness in negative online consumer reviews: A cross-language and cross-sector comparison2020/02/2515
Do more, say less: Saying “I love you” in Chinese and American cultures2013/01/1415
Assessing the effects of identical task repetition and task-type repetition on learners' recognition and production of second language request downgraders2012/02/28English15
“So you know ehn … ” The use of bilingual interjections in Nigerian English2020/04/01English15
Swearword strength in subtitled and dubbed films: A reception study2019/08/23English14
Cross-cultural multimodal politeness: The phonetics of Japanese deferential speech in comparison to Korean2019/11/01English14