The Intellectual Preparation for the Canon of 1215 against Ordeals | 1961/10/01 | English | 19 |
Thomas of Monmouth: Detector of Ritual Murder | 1984/10/01 | English | 18 |
Latrines and Cesspools of Mediaeval London | 1934/07/01 | English | 18 |
Possessed by the Spirit: Devout Women, Demoniacs, and the Apostolic Life in the Thirteenth Century | 1998/07/01 | English | 18 |
Making Up Lost Time: Writing on the Writing of History | 1986/01/01 | English | 18 |
Homo Viator: Mediaeval Ideas on Alienation and Order | 1967/04/01 | English | 18 |
Syntactical Glosses in Latin Manuscripts of Anglo-Saxon Provenance | 1973/07/01 | English | 17 |
Venus' Citole in Chaucer's Knight's Tale and Berchorius | 1959/10/01 | English | 17 |
Tafsīr and Translation: Traditional Arabic Qurʾān Exegesis and the Latin Qurʾāns of Robert of Ketton and Mark of Toledo | 1998/07/01 | English | 17 |
The Impact of the Black Death upon Sienese Government and Society | 1964/01/01 | English | 16 |
Butchering in Mediaeval London | 1933/07/01 | English | 16 |
Medieval Lordship | 1995/10/01 | English | 16 |
Genders, Bodies, Borders: Technologies of the Visible | 1993/04/01 | English | 16 |
The Carolingian Age: Reflections on Its Place in the History of the Middle Ages | 1989/04/01 | English | 15 |
Philology, Linguistics, and the Discourse of the Medieval Text | 1990/01/01 | English | 15 |
The Automata in the Byzantine "Throne of Solomon" | 1954/07/01 | English | 15 |
The Idea of Public Poetry in the Reign of Richard II | 1978/01/01 | English | 15 |
Consanguinity and Noble Marriages in the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries | 1981/04/01 | English | 14 |
Sir Thomas Berkeley and His Patronage | 1989/10/01 | English | 14 |
Medical Manuscripts in Middle English | 1970/07/01 | English | 14 |
Heraclius, Byzantine Imperial Ideology, and the David Plates | 1977/04/01 | English | 14 |
Orality and Reading: The State of Research in Medieval Studies | 1990/04/01 | English | 14 |
Moscow the Third Rome: Sources of the Doctrine | 1953/01/01 | English | 14 |
Seeing and Believing: The Construction of Sanctity in Early-Medieval Saints' Shrines | 1997/10/01 | English | 14 |
Female Longevity and Diet in the Middle Ages | 1980/04/01 | English | 14 |
Church Property on the European Continent, 701-1200 | 1961/01/01 | English | 14 |
The "Crisis of Cenobitism" Reconsidered: Benedictine Monasticism in the Years 1050-1150 | 1986/04/01 | English | 14 |
Peter Comestor, Biblical Paraphrase, and the Medieval Popular Bible | 1993/01/01 | English | 14 |
Oral and Written: Saints, Miracles, and Relics in Brittany, c. 850-1250 | 1990/04/01 | English | 13 |
Chaucer's Pardoner on the Couch: Psyche and Clio in Medieval Literary Studies | 2001/07/01 | English | 13 |