
Title Publication Date Language Citations
:Lincoln Castle Revealed: The Story of a Norman Powerhouse and Its Anglo-Saxon Precursor2023/07/01English
:The Fish Lands: German Trade with Iceland, Shetland and the Faroe Islands in the Late 15th and 16th Century2023/07/01English
:From Robber Barons to Courtiers: The Changing World of the Lovells of Titchmarsh2023/07/01English
:Educare alla salvezza: I poemetti in inglese antico del MS CCCC 2012023/07/01English
:I segni della fine: Storia di un predicatore nell’Italia del Rinascimento2023/07/01English
:History and the Written Word: Documents, Literacy, and Language in the Age of the Angevins2023/07/01English
:The Crisis of the 14th Century: Teleconnections between Environmental and Societal Change?2023/07/01English
:Human Trafficking in Medieval Europe: Slavery, Sexual Exploitation, and Prostitution2023/07/01English
:The Falls of Rome: Crises, Resilience, and Resurgence in Late Antiquity2023/07/01English
:The Cambridge Companion to Hildegard of Bingen2023/07/01English
:Ringleaders of Redemption: How Medieval Dance Became Sacred2023/07/01English
Mechanics of Royal Generosity: The Gifts from the Wedding of King Matthias Corvinus and Beatrice of Aragon (1476)2023/07/01English
:Von Mekka nach Stambul—Islamische Mächte am Mittelmeer: Islamische Renaissancen2023/07/01English
“The Fire in My Heart and the Pain in My Eyes”: Interdependence and Outburst in the Illness Letters of the Cairo Geniza2023/01/01English
:Violence and Risk in Medieval Iceland: This Spattered Isle2023/01/01English
Back Matter2023/01/01English
:Procopius on Soldiers and Military Institutions in the Sixth-Century Roman Empire2023/01/01English
:Geschichte und Weltordnung: Graphische Modelle von Zeit und Raum in Universalchroniken vor 15002023/01/01English
:John Lydgate, “The Dance of Death”, and Its Model, the French “Danse Macabre”.2023/01/01English
:The “Secret of Secrets”: The East Slavic Edition2023/01/01English
:A Historical Study of Anselm’s “Proslogion”: Argument, Devotion and Rhetoric2023/01/01English
:Athassel Priory and the Cult of St Edmund in Medieval Ireland2023/01/01English
:The Liturgical Past in Byzantium and Early Rus2023/01/01English
:Fuidheall Áir: Bardic Poems on the Meic Dhiarmada of Magh Luirg c. 1377–c. 16372023/01/01English
:Beowulf as Children’s Literature2023/01/01English
:Speculum medicine2023/01/01English
:Les Fragments sagiens d’Aspremont: Bibliothèque d’Alençon2023/01/01English
:Visual Culture and Politics in the Baltic Sea Region, 1100–12502023/01/01English
:Aristóteles en el siglo XV: Una ética para príncipes. Liberalidad, magnificencia y magnanimidad2023/01/01English