
Title Publication Date Language Citations
:Máel Coluim III, “Canmore”: An Eleventh-Century Scottish King2023/04/01English
:Les Grâces à Athènes: Éloge d’un gouverneur byzantin par Nikolaos Kataphlôron2023/04/01English
:Bonaventure’s Aesthetics: The Delight of the Soul in Its Ascent into God2023/04/01English
:History and Salvation in Medieval Ireland2023/04/01English
:The Art and Science of Illuminated Manuscripts: A Handbook2023/04/01English
:Household Goods and Good Households in Late Medieval London: Consumption and Domesticity after the Plague2023/04/01English
Brief Notices2023/04/01English
:Lettre d’Alexandre sur les merveilles de l’Inde (Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, CFM 20)2023/04/01English
:The Maghrib in the Mashriq: Knowledge, Travel and Identity2023/04/01English
:Diplomatie und Pergament: Karriere und Selbstbild des gelehrten Juristen Giovan Francesco Capodilista2023/04/01English
Front Cover2023/04/01English
:Ptolemy’s Science of the Stars in the Middle Ages2023/04/01English
Sacred Shivering2023/04/01English
:Maimonides the Universalist: The Ethical Horizons of the Mishneh Torah2023/04/01English
:Writing Old Age and Impairments in Late Medieval England2023/04/01English
:Vom Beneficial- zum Lehnswesen: Eine vergleichende Analyse sächsischer und böhmischer Quellen des 10.–14. Jahrhunderts2023/04/01English
:The Oxford Handbook of the Merovingian World2023/04/01English
Authorized Realities: The Gesta Romanorum and Thomas Hoccleve’s Poetics of Autobiography2023/04/01English
David Crook, Robin Hood: Legend and Reality. Woodbridge, UK: Boydell, 2020. Pp. xiv, 298; black-and-white figures. $99. ISBN: 978-1-7832-7543-4.2022/10/01English
:Saints, Cure-Seekers and Miraculous Healing in Twelfth-Century England2023/07/01English
:Rome in the Eighth Century: A History in Art2023/07/01English
:De sangre y leche: Raza y religión en el mundo ibérico moderno2023/07/01English
:The Meaning of Media: Texts and Materiality in Medieval Scandinavia2023/07/01English
:“The Bearded Bride”: A Critical Edition of “Þrymlur.”2023/07/01English
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America, 20232023/07/01English
:Chaucer and Italian Culture2023/07/01English
:A Companion to Byzantine Iconoclasm2023/07/01English
:Kreative Gegensätze: Der Streit um den Nutzen der Philosophie an der mittelalterlichen Pariser Universität2023/07/01English
:The Bronze Horseman of Justinian in Constantinople: The Cross-Cultural Biography of a Mediterranean Monument2023/07/01English
:“The Travels of Ibn Jubayr”: A Medieval Journey from Cordoba to Jerusalem2023/07/01English