Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Particle acceleration and relativistic shocks1999/07/2699
CMS Physics Technical Design Report: Addendum on High Density QCD with Heavy Ions2007/10/1998
STAR experiment results from the beam energy scan program at the RHIC2011/11/1098
ExclusiveJ/ψ and ψ(2S) production inppcollisions at $\protect \sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV2013/02/2898
Current views on impulsive and gradual solar energetic particle events2003/04/0998
Semi-empirical determination of the shell correction temperature and spin dependence by means of nuclear fission1994/02/0196
A recipe for EFT uncertainty quantification in nuclear physics2015/02/0596
Alpha decay calculations with a new formula2017/09/0595
Running gluon mass from a Landau gauge lattice QCD propagator2011/02/2295
LHC forward physics2016/10/1795
The effect ofH onB       andB       2003/09/0195
Top tagging2012/05/2594
An effective chiral hadron–quark equation of state2011/01/1494
Nuclear charge radii: density functional theory meets Bayesian neural networks2016/10/1793
Neutron reactions in astrophysics2014/03/1993
The Large Hadron–Electron Collider at the HL-LHC2021/11/0193
Role of triaxiality in the ground-state shape of neutron-rich Yb, Hf, W, Os and Pt isotopes2009/09/2592
A review of the mass measurement techniques proposed for the Large Hadron Collider2010/11/0392
Octupole collectivity in nuclei2016/06/0192
Flavour-changing neutral current decays of heavy baryons. The case1998/05/0192
Target mass corrections2008/03/1992
Melosh rotation: source of the proton's missing spin1991/05/0192
The role of shell evolution in shape coexistence2016/01/1492
Discovery potential for supersymmetry in CMS*2002/02/1891
Ground state to ground state alpha decays of heavy even-even nuclei1991/08/0190
Probing the nuclear symmetry energy with heavy-ion collisions2010/06/2190
Neutrino–neutrino interactions and flavour mixing in dense matter2006/11/0290
Radiative effects in deep inelastic scattering of polarized leptons by polarized light nuclei1994/04/0189
Measurement of jet modification at RHIC2004/07/2088
Isospin effects on the energy of vanishing flow in heavy-ion collisions2010/06/0388