Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Neutrino flavour transformation in supernovae2009/09/1787
Coherent neutrino scattering with low temperature bolometers at Chooz reactor complex2017/08/2187
Enhancement of hyperon production at central rapidity in 158AGeV/cPb–Pb collisions2006/02/2487
Particle ratios, equilibration and the QCD phase boundary2002/06/1987
Smoothed particle hydrodynamics for relativistic heavy-ion collisions2000/12/1487
Volume fluctuation and auto-correlation effects in the moment analysis of net-proton multiplicity distributions in heavy-ion collisions2013/09/0586
IsS4the horizontal symmetry of tri-bimaximal lepton mixing?2009/09/2986
Jet quenching via jet collimation2011/01/2886
Electromagnetic reactions on light nuclei2014/11/1085
Ion beam production and study of radioactive isotopes with the laser ion source at ISOLDE2017/07/0485
Neutron skins of atomic nuclei: per aspera ad astra2019/08/1384
Electromagnetic transition form factors of negative parity nucleon resonances1998/04/0184
The evolution of nuclear structure: the scheme and related correlations1996/11/0184
Self-consistent nuclear mean-field models: example Skyrme–Hartree–Fock2011/01/1884
Determining pseudoscalar meson photoproduction amplitudes from complete experiments2011/04/0683
QCD sum rules approach to the X, Y and Z states2019/08/0883
Electric-charge quantization1993/03/0183
On the properties of the Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau equation1993/01/0182
Analytically solvable potentials for  -unstable nuclei2003/05/2282
Masses and magnetic moments of heavy flavour baryons in the hyper central model2008/04/2282
High-resolution laser spectroscopy for the study of nuclear sizes and shapes1995/06/0181
QED with minimal and nonminimal couplings: on the quantum generation of Lorentz-violating terms in the pure photon sector2012/01/1981
Pion condensation in quark matter with finite baryon density2006/03/3181
Bayesian parameter estimation for effective field theories2016/05/2780
Valleys due to Pb and Sn on the potential energy surface of superheavy and lighter α-emitting nuclei2006/08/1080
Shell effects in damped collisions: a new way to superheavies2007/10/0980
Anomalous centrality variation of minijet angular correlations in Au–Au collisions at 62 and 200 GeV from STAR2008/09/1780
LOCV calculation of nuclear matter with phenomenological two-nucleon interaction operators1997/11/0180
Emission of intermediate mass fragments from hot116Ba* formed in low-energy58Ni +58Ni reaction2003/11/0380
Phase diagram and thermodynamics of the Polyakov linear sigma model with three quark flavors2010/01/2280