Studies in Continuing Education

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Developing a postgraduate work-based curriculum using an Intervention Mapping Approach2016/01/17English
Relationships between employment quality and intention to quit: focus on PhD candidates as traditional workers2017/11/08English
Writing retreats as a milestone in the development of PhD students’ sense of self as academic writers2017/11/07English
Transformative learning of mentors from an immigrant workplace connections program2016/04/13English
Transitions and transformations in learning and education2016/04/29English
Preparing work-ready nurses: reflexive learning for diverse students in the Australian vocational education and training sector2017/01/18English
Recognition of prior learning: the tensions between its inclusive intentions and constraints on its implementation2017/01/12English
List of Reviewers2017/01/02English
Between vocational education and training centres and companies: study of their relations under the regional innovation system approach2017/06/26English
Constructing a healthy, knowledgeable and well-educated citizen: motivational interviews and physical activity on prescription2017/06/13English
Student’s local top-up higher education choices2017/06/12English
Police bodies and police minds: professional learning through bodily practices of sport participation2017/06/12English
Factors affecting success of training companies2017/06/12English
Repositioning artistic practices: a sociomaterial view2018/05/27English
Self-perception of emotional development in individuals attending university programmes for seniors: training needs and answers2018/06/17English
Reassembling academic work: a sociomaterial investigation of academic learning2018/06/17English
Accessing and assessing appropriate widening participation data: an exploration of how data are used and by whom2017/03/07English
‘How’ and ‘why’ cannot be separated: empirical insights into the company-based part of apprenticeship training in Austria2023/06/01English
Professional learning promoting agency in challenging practice contexts2023/06/01English
Political economy model of program planning: adult education for marginalised adults, civil society and democracy2023/05/15English
Book Reviews2001/05/01English
Earning Credentials: An issue of acknowledgement2001/11/01English
Drivers of change for researcher development in Tanzania2024/04/03English
Digital work practices that promote informal workplace learning: digital ethnography in a knowledge work context2023/10/25English
The mismatch between teaching and assessing professionalism: a practice architecture analysis of three professional programmes2024/03/21English
Exploring a practice theoretical tool-kit approach for studying professional and organisational learning processes: a pragmatist interpretation2024/03/27English
Work, learning and social change2024/01/25English
The recognition of prior learning (RPL) as pedagogical practice: tensions and affordances in assessment2023/06/19English
Learning sustainability through enterprise work in ecovillages2023/06/12English
‘Take a break, you’ll be able to work more’: convergent mixed methods analysis of PhD students’ blog posts2024/02/19English