International Journal on Media Management

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Marketplace of Attention: How Audiences Take Shape in A Digital Age2016/10/01English
Editorial Board EOV2016/10/01English
Digital Technology and the Future of Broadcasting: Global Perspectives2016/10/01English
Geeks Bearing Gifts: Imagining New Futures for Newsby Jeff Jarvis. New York, NY: CUNY Journalism Press, 2014. ISBN: 978-1-939293-73-2 (paperback), 226 pp.2015/04/03English
The Routledge Companion to Labor and Mediaedited by Richard Maxwell2016/04/02English
Employee Engagement in Media Management: Creativeness and Organizational Developmentby Stavros Georgiades2016/04/02English
Editorial Board2013/10/01English
Associated Reviewers 20132013/10/01English
Entertainment science: Data analytics and practical theory for movies, games, books, and music2019/07/21English
Handbook of media management and economics, 2nd Edition2019/07/21English
The audience and business of YouTube and online videos2019/04/03English
Drawn to the Screen by Who We Are and Who We Aspire to Be: Brand-Self Congruence Differences in Movie Preferences2020/10/01English
Advanced Introduction to Platform Economics2021/04/03English
Editors’ Announcement2014/01/02English
The Hollywood Economist. The Hidden Financial Reality Behind the Movies,by Edward Jay Epstein2011/10/01English
News at Work—Imitation in an Age of Information Abundanceby Pablo J. Boczkowski2011/10/01English
Management and Innovation in the Media Industry, by Cinzia Dal Zotto and Hans van Kranenburg (Eds.)2009/11/16English
Blogs, Wikipedia, Second Life, and Beyond—From Production to Produsage, by Axel Bruns2009/11/16English
The Internet and the Mass Media, by Lucy Küng, Robert G. Picard, and Ruth Towse (Eds.)2009/11/16English
The Impact of the Korean Government's Privatization of Korea Telecom (KT) on the Korean Telecommunications Industry: KT's Financial and Operating Performance2009/11/16English
Editors’ Announcement2015/01/02English
Call for Papers2015/01/02English
Editorial — culture and the media industry2003/01/01English
Book reviews2003/01/01English
Editorial board2003/01/01English
Twin drivers and irrational exuberance: Markets, the internet and mobility2003/01/01English
Editorial ‐The impact of financial markets on media management practices2003/01/01English
e‐newspaper: Consumer demands on attributes and features2003/01/01English