International Journal on Media Management

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Editorial board2003/01/01English
Editorial board2003/01/01English
Editorial board2003/01/01English
Book review2003/01/01English
The Public in Public Service Mediaby Gregory Ferrel Lowe (Ed.)2011/04/01English
Three Myths of Internet Governance: Making Sense of Networks, Governance and Regulationby Richard Collins2011/04/01English
Index toThe International Journal on Media Management:Volumes 1–8, 1999–20062007/03/19English
Market Competition and Cultural Tensions Between Hollywood and the Korean Film Industry2004/12/01English
Editors' Note2004/12/01English
The Dual Structure of Global Networks in the Entertainment Industry: Interorganizational Linkage and Geographical Dispersion2004/12/01English
Book Review: Media and Economics, Volume 1/1: Foundations of Media Economics: Communication and Media Science, Economics; Volume 1/2: Foundations of Media Economics: Sociology, Culture, Politics, Philosophy, International, History, Technology, Journalism2004/12/01English
Book Review: A Handbook of Cultural Economics2004/12/01English
Book Review: The Wired Homestead, An MIT Press Sourcebook on the Internet and the Family2004/12/01English
Optimizing Radio Advertising in North Queensland, Australia: A Mathematical Programming Approach2004/12/01English
Calendar of Events2004/12/01English
Book Review: Cyber Rights: Defending Free Speech in the Digital Age2005/12/01English
Book Review: Interactive Television as Magic Box? The Future of Television Between Money Making Machine and Viable Business Models [Zaubermaschine Interaktives Fernsehen? TV-Zukunft zwischen Blutentraumen und Businessmodellen]2005/12/01English
Book Review: European Television Industries2005/12/01English
AN OBITUARY: Peter Glotz2005/12/01English
WebTV Channel Additions: Channel Complementarity in the Broadcasting Industry2005/12/01English
Calendar of Events2005/12/01English
Editors' Note2005/12/01English
Associated Reviewers 20162016/10/01English
Managing Media Firms and Industries: What’s So Special About Media Management? Edited by Gregory Ferrell Lowe and Charles Brown2017/07/05English
Editor’s Announcement2017/01/02English
Local Television News on Instagram: Exploring the Effects of News Values and Post Features on Audience Engagement2023/04/03English
Consumer Brand Engagement and Video Game Media Brand Authenticity2023/04/03English
Exploring Trust in Media Brands Today: Definition, Dimensions and Cross-national Differences2023/04/03English
Post-Pandemic Hiring Practices and Skills Requested by Local U.S. TV Stations2023/04/03English
How the Financing Source Affects a Film’s Box Office. The Value of Subsidies and International Co-Production on the Polish Market2023/04/03English