Computers in Industry

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A model for inbound supply risk analysis2006/05/01English192
Intelligent fault diagnosis of rotating machinery based on one-dimensional convolutional neural network2019/06/01English189
Process mining: a research agenda2004/04/01English187
Machine learning and reasoning for predictive maintenance in Industry 4.0: Current status and challenges2020/12/01English175
Blockchain in healthcare: A systematic literature review, synthesizing framework and future research agenda2020/11/01English171
Cyber-physical systems and their security issues2018/09/01English166
Cybersecurity for Industry 4.0 in the current literature: A reference framework2018/12/01English154
Energy-efficient dynamic scheduling for a flexible flow shop using an improved particle swarm optimization2016/09/01English154
SIMAP: Intelligent System for Predictive Maintenance2006/08/01English153
Making CNC machine tools more open, interoperable and intelligent—a review of the technologies2006/02/01English153
The Purdue enterprise reference architecture1994/09/01English152
A review of automated feature recognition with rule-based pattern recognition2008/04/01English151
Towards on-farm pig face recognition using convolutional neural networks2018/06/01English150
Intelligent fault diagnosis method of planetary gearboxes based on convolution neural network and discrete wavelet transform2019/04/01English144
Risk assessment and management for supply chain networks: A case study2010/04/01English144
A framework to achieve sustainability in manufacturing organisations of developing economies using industry 4.0 technologies’ enablers2020/11/01English143
Identifying critical issues in enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation2005/08/01English142
A multimodal and hybrid deep neural network model for Remaining Useful Life estimation2019/06/01English141
Big data for agri-food 4.0: Application to sustainability management for by-products supply chain2019/10/01English141
Deep convolutional neural network based planet bearing fault classification2019/05/01English140
Automated visual inspection in the semiconductor industry: A survey2015/01/01English140
An ensemble framework based on convolutional bi-directional LSTM with multiple time windows for remaining useful life estimation2020/02/01English136
Industrial applications of type-2 fuzzy sets and systems: A concise review2011/02/01English135
Rolling bearing fault detection using continuous deep belief network with locally linear embedding2018/04/01English134
Sensing, smart and sustainable technologies for Agri-Food 4.02019/06/01English132
Deep heterogeneous GRU model for predictive analytics in smart manufacturing: Application to tool wear prediction2019/10/01English131
Combining translation-invariant wavelet frames and convolutional neural network for intelligent tool wear state identification2019/04/01English131
Apple flower detection using deep convolutional networks2018/08/01English131
Deep neural networks with transfer learning in millet crop images2019/06/01English128
State-of-the-art of design, evaluation, and operation methodologies in product service systems2016/04/01English126