Computers in Industry

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Industry 4.0: Emerging themes and future research avenues using a text mining approach2019/08/01English126
A survey on the recent research literature on ERP systems2005/08/01English126
Fault detection and diagnosis for rotating machinery: A model based on convolutional LSTM, Fast Fourier and continuous wavelet transforms2021/02/01English126
Dynamic self-organization in holonic multi-agent manufacturing systems: The ADACOR evolution2015/01/01English125
Automated bearing fault diagnosis scheme using 2D representation of wavelet packet transform and deep convolutional neural network2019/04/01English124
Design, modelling, simulation and integration of cyber physical systems: Methods and applications2016/10/01English124
Extracting and mapping industry 4.0 technologies using wikipedia2018/09/01English124
Industrial Additive Manufacturing: A manufacturing systems perspective2017/11/01English124
Enterprise integration and interoperability in manufacturing systems: Trends and issues2008/09/01English123
A double-layer attention based adversarial network for partial transfer learning in machinery fault diagnosis2021/05/01English122
Business Process Intelligence2004/04/01English120
Understanding CRM adoption stages: empirical analysis building on the TOE framework2019/08/01English118
Oil and Gas 4.0 era: A systematic review and outlook2019/10/01English118
The degree of readiness for the implementation of Industry 4.02019/12/01English113
Robotic Process Automation: Contemporary themes and challenges2020/02/01English110
Critical factors for successful ERP implementation: Exploratory findings from four case studies2005/08/01English110
Compound Fault Diagnosis of Gearboxes via Multi-label Convolutional Neural Network and Wavelet Transform2019/12/01English110
Decision support in intermodal transport: A new research agenda2013/02/01English110
Effective digital collaboration in the construction industry – A case study of BIM deployment in a hospital construction project2015/10/01English106
Computer recognition and extraction of form features: A CAD/CAM link1984/12/01English106
Machining fixture locating and clamping position optimization using genetic algorithms2006/02/01English105
A survey on anomaly detection for technical systems using LSTM networks2021/10/01English104
Maintenance transformation through Industry 4.0 technologies: A systematic literature review2020/12/01English104
A new design optimization framework based on immune algorithm and Taguchi's method2009/10/01English104
Toward a cloud-based manufacturing execution system for distributed manufacturing2014/05/01English103
Cybersecurity in the context of industry 4.0: A structured classification of critical assets and business impacts2020/01/01English102
Batching orders in warehouses by minimizing travel distance with genetic algorithms2005/02/01English101
Blockchain-enabled circular supply chain management: A system architecture for fast fashion2020/12/01English100
Institutional isomorphism and the adoption of information technology for supply chain management2006/01/01English100
Genetic algorithms for integrated preventive maintenance planning and production scheduling for a single machine2005/02/01English99