Issue 4

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Formal—informal financial linkages: lessons from developing countries2006/03/0116
Globalization and gender - dilemmas for microfinance organizations1999/09/0116
Financial inclusion and multidimensional poverty reduction through self-help-group-led microfinance: evidence from Bodoland, Assam, India2019/09/0115
Combining social and financial performance: A paradox?2012/09/0115
Business development services – core principles and future challenges1997/09/0115
Village Savings and Loan Associations: experience from Zanzibar2007/03/0115
Tackling the 'frontiers' of microfinance in Kenya: the role for decentralized services2006/09/0115
Value chain development in Nicaragua: prevailing approaches and tools used for design and implementation2017/03/0114
Financial inclusion and poverty alleviation: an alternative state-led microfinance model of Kudumbashree in Kerala, India2014/12/0114
Electronic banking for the poor – panacea, potential and pitfalls2004/12/0114
'New wave' microfinance institutions in south-east Europe: towards a more realistic assessment of impact2003/09/0114
Making market systems work? For the poor?2006/12/0114
Microcredit and microenterprise performance: impact evidence from Peru2001/12/0114
Should we view sanitation as just another business? The crucial role of sanitation entrepreneurship and the need for outside engagement2010/09/0114
Seven extremely simple poverty scorecards2010/06/0114
Informal microinsurance schemes - the case of funeral insurance in South Africa2001/03/0113
Policy-induced constraints on small enterprise development in Asian developing countries1994/06/0113
Towards a more market-oriented approach to credit and savings for the poor1991/12/0113
Improving the food security of the extremely poor by linking them to markets2015/03/0113
A 20/20 retrospective on enterprise development: in search of impact, scale and sustainability2009/12/0113
Inadequate growth, over-indebtedness, and crises in microcredit: what have we learned?2018/06/0112
New bamboo industries and pro-poor impact: learning from China2007/06/0112
How to assess if markets work better for the poor: Experiences from the Katalyst Project in Bangladesh2008/06/0112
Value chain financing in agriculture2007/01/0112
Microfinance for the marginalized: the impact of the Rojiroti approach in India2018/03/0112
Value chain development with the extremely poor: evidence and lessons from CARE, Save the Children, and World Vision2017/03/0112
Microinsurance - the risks, perils and opportunities2001/03/0112
The holy grail of microfinance: ‘helping the poor’ and ‘sustainable’?2000/03/0112
The regulation and supervision of informal remittance systems2004/03/0112
Targeting the poor—comparing visual and participatory methods2000/03/0112