Issue 4

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Gender and the growth of microenterprises1991/03/0111
Housing microfinance – a key to improving habitat and the sustainability of microfinance institutions2003/03/0111
Towards success: impact and sustainability in the FIT programme1996/03/0111
Distinguishing between poverty alleviation and business growth1996/06/0111
Beyond microcredit—the Trickle Up Program2000/03/0111
Beyond credit – the emergence of high-impact, cost-effective business development services1997/09/0111
Financial services for the very poor - thinking outside the box2001/06/0111
From principles to practice – ten critical challenges for BDS market development2003/12/0111
Taking stock2003/06/0111
Remittances: the new development finance?2004/03/0111
Fostering economic opportunities for youth in Africa: a comprehensive approach2015/06/0111
Wholesale funding to microfinance and social development goals in Peru, Tamil Nadu, and Tanzania2011/12/0111
Microfinance dreams2016/06/0111
Market opportunities for microfinance institutions2013/12/0111
Gender mainstreaming in value chain development: Experience with Gender Action Learning System in Uganda2012/12/0110
Problems and prospects of the cooperative sector in Nepal for promoting financial inclusion2013/06/0110
A graduation pathway for Haiti's poorest: Lessons learnt from Fonkoze2009/06/0110
Can commercial banks do microfinance? Lessons from the Commercial Bank of Zimbabwe and the Co-operative Bank of Kenya2002/12/0110
Shea kernels from Mali: a value chain case study2006/06/0110
The managed ASCA model – innovation in Kenya's microfinance industry2002/06/0110
Sub-sector analysis – a macro-analytical tool for microenterprise support1992/03/0110
Comparing microfinance assessment methodologies2002/06/0110
International competitiveness and small firm clusters – evidence from Pakistan1998/03/0110
Value chain financing: evidence from Zambia on smallholder access to finance for mechanization2017/03/0110
Value chain development in Vietnam: a look at approaches used and options for improved impact2017/03/0110
Does microfinance redefine identity, income and insecurity among rural women? A model of women’s empowerment2016/09/0110
Green microfinance strategy for entrepreneurial transformation: validating a pattern towards sustainability2015/12/019
Paying attention to detail: how to transfer cash in cash transfers2013/03/019
Farmers' community enterprise for marketing organic bananas from Alto Beni, Bolivia: Impacts and threats2011/09/019
Value chain governance and access to finance: Maize, sugar cane and sunflower oil in Uganda2008/10/019