Issue 4

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Village savings and loans: A pathway to financial inclusion for Africa's poorest households2011/06/01116
Value chain development for rural poverty reduction: A reality check and a warning2012/03/0181
The promise and peril of microfinance commercialization2002/12/0143
‘Randomized control trials are the best way to measure impact of microfinance programmes and improve microfinance product designs.’2009/09/0135
Village Savings and Loans Associations — sustainable and cost-effective rural finance2006/03/0135
Credit guarantee schemes for SMEs – an international review1997/06/0130
Dimensions and dynamics of microfinance membership overlap – a micro study from Bangladesh2002/06/0129
Trade-off between outreach and sustainability of microfinance institutions: evidence from sub-Saharan Africa2017/09/0129
Health care microinsurance - case studies from Uganda, Tanzania, India and Cambodia2001/03/0128
Microfinance and HIV prevention – emerging lessons from rural South Africa2005/09/0126
Making markets work for the poor: rationale and practice2008/06/0126
Fertile grounds for mobile money: Towards a framework for analysing enabling environments2011/03/0125
A critical review of the effects of entrepreneurship training in developing countries2011/12/0125
Fair trade and the coffee crisis in the Nicaraguan Segovias2003/06/0124
Mapping the market: participatory market-chain development in practice2006/06/0124
Value chain programmes to integrate competitiveness, economic growth and poverty reduction2006/06/0122
Financial sustainability of microfinance institutions in sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from GMM estimates2017/09/0121
Improving the access of smallholders to agricultural services in sub-Saharan Africa1997/09/0121
Challenges facing fair trade: which way now?2002/09/0120
Impact assessment of commodity standards: towards inclusive value chains2017/03/0119
The relative risks to the savings of poor people2001/09/0119
Changing the institutional and policy environment for small enterprise development in Africa1994/06/0119
Microfinance and poverty reduction - evidence from Latin America1999/09/0119
Financing microfinance – the ICICI Bank partnership model2005/03/0117
Making business service markets work for the rural poor – a review of experience2005/06/0117
Microfinance is dead! Long live microfinance! Critical reflections on two decades of microfinance policy and practice2009/12/0117
Youth savings groups in Africa: they’re a family affair2017/09/0116
Closing the gap: Reaching the missing middle and rural poor through value chain finance2008/10/0116
Creating an entrepreneurial culture in support of SMEs1999/12/0116
Capturing a market share? Migrant remittances and money transfers as a microfinance service in Sub-Saharan Africa2004/03/0116