Journal of Geometry

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The characterization of Hermitian surfaces by the number of points2015/07/18English10
On partially null and pseudo null curves in the semi-euclidean space $$ R^{4}_{2} $$2006/03/01English10
Minimal and harmonic characteristic vector fields on three-dimensional contact metric manifolds2001/12/0110
Lie groups as 3-dimensional almost contact B-metric manifolds2014/09/17English10
Trajectories on Geodesic Spheres in a Non-Flat Complex Space Form2008/11/17English10
On q-analogues and stability theorems2011/08/01English10
Evolutes of plane curves and null curves in Minkowski 3-space2016/05/24English10
An axiomatic foundation of Cayley-Klein geometries2015/09/25English9
Generalizing the Equal Area Zones Property of the Sphere2008/09/22English9
Bond theory for pentapods and hexapods2014/09/16English9
Packings by translation balls in $${\widetilde{{\rm SL}_2({\mathbb{R}})}}$$ SL 2 ( R ) ~2014/01/07English9
Blocking sets in projective spaces and polar spaces2003/06/01English9
Persistent rigid-body motions and study’s “Ribaucour” problem2016/04/13English9
Clifford parallelism: old and new definitions, and their use2012/04/01English9
On two character (q 7 + q 5 + q 2 + 1)-sets in PG(4, q 2)2014/10/19English9
Factorable surfaces in the three-dimensional Euclidean and Lorentzian spaces satisfying Δr i  = λ i r i2012/04/01English9
Projective spaces with Cayley-Klein metrics2004/12/01English9
New Upper bounds for the sizes of caps in finite projective spaces2002/07/019
Generalized ($\kappa,\mu $)-contact metric manifolds with $\|{grad}\kappa \| =$ constant2003/12/019
Surfaces of revolution in the 3-dimensional Lorentz-Minkowski space satisfying $$ \Delta ^{{II}} \ifmmode\expandafter\vec\else\expandafter\vecabove\fi{r} = A\ifmmode\expandafter\vec\else\expandafter\vecabove\fi{r} $$2004/12/01English9
Examples of non d ω-exact locally conformal symplectic forms2007/11/01English9
On monotonicity of the hypersphere volume and area2007/11/01English9
On M. T. Calapso’s Characterization of the Metric of an Absolute Plane2009/01/20English9
The critical point equation and contact geometry2016/05/18English9
Self-affine convex polygons2010/08/01English9
Combinatorial sums through Riordan arrays2011/08/01English9
Extension theorems for linear codes over finite fields2011/08/01English8
The Dehn invariants of the Bricard octahedra2010/12/01English8
Farthest points and cut loci on some degenerate convex surfaces2004/08/01English8
Geometrical contributions to secret sharing theory2004/04/01English8