The cone metric of a Busemann space | 2018/03/31 | English | |
Axiomatic and algebraic convexity of regular pairs | 2018/03/29 | English | |
On small abstract quotients of Lie groups and locally compact groups | 2016/02/12 | English | |
Hopf hypersurfaces in spaces of oriented geodesics | 2017/09/06 | English | |
Area functions on affine planes | 2016/04/06 | English | |
Using conics to construct geometric 3-configurations, part II: the generalized Steiner construction | 2017/07/05 | English | |
On three dimensional generalized Sasakian-space-forms | 2017/06/14 | English | |
Hyper-reguli in PG(5,
) | 2017/06/30 | English | |
Remarks on minimal surfaces in a 3-dimensional Randers space | 2018/01/23 | English | |
A memorial volume for Günter Pickert | 2016/06/25 | English | |
Left invariant degenerate metrics on Lie groups | 2016/04/26 | English | |
On the non-Paschian ordered planes | 2016/06/04 | English | |
Almost Schouten solitons and almost cosymplectic manifolds | 2023/04/27 | English | |
Maximal hypersurfaces of degree d in $${{\mathbb {P}}}^n({{\mathbb {F}}}_q)$$ and minimum weight spectrum of the generalized PRM(q, d, n)-code | 2024/02/29 | English | |
Ordered absolute geometry | 2024/04/06 | English | |
Geodesics orbiting a singularity | 2023/12/09 | English | |
Schur type comparison theorems for affine curves | 2023/12/18 | English | |
Envelopes created by circle families in the plane | 2024/01/18 | English | |
Metric structures that admit totally geodesic foliations | 2023/11/05 | English | |
First eigenvalues evolution for some geometric operators along the Yamabe flow | 2024/03/21 | English | |
Circle packings from tilings of the plane | 2024/03/17 | English | |
Curves whose curvature depends on their position and null curves | 2024/03/14 | English | |
Why did Euclid not need the Pasch axiom? | 2024/02/17 | English | |
$$\mathcal {D}-$$homothetic deformation on para-Sasaki-like Riemannian manifolds | 2023/03/02 | English | |
Symmetries of hyperbolic spatial graphs and realization of graph symmetries | 2024/01/29 | English | |
On maximal cliques in the graph of simplex codes | 2024/01/25 | English | |
Evolutes of conics in the quasi-hyperbolic and the hyperbolic plane | 2023/07/13 | English | |
Characterizations of weakly conformally flat and quasi Einstein manifolds | 2023/07/08 | English | |
A new combinatorial characterization of (quasi)-Hermitian surfaces | 2023/07/13 | English | |
Spacelike hypersurfaces in twisted product spacetimes with complete fiber and Calabi–Bernstein-type problems | 2023/06/28 | English | |