Ethik in der Medizin

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Ethik im Medizinstudium –2006/12/01German4
Evidenz-basierte Ethik2008/04/25German4
Is the institutionalization and legalization of assistance to suicide dangerous? A critical analysis of counterarguments2007/08/31German4
"Aufklärung im ärztlichen Alltag"2007/07/26German4
Lob der Profession2012/03/17German4
Krankheit und Sinn: Zur religiösen Wahrnehmung von Krankheit und ihren ethischen Implikationen2011/02/12German4
Autonomy as a point of reference for universal medical ethics2012/10/19German4
Role and responsibility of physicians and researchers in the context of systems medicine: findings of a qualitative interview study2018/06/29German4
PID auf Aneuploidie des Embryos?2017/04/20German4
Comparing Germany and Israel regarding debates on policy-making at the beginning of life: PGD, NIPT and their paths of routinization2021/08/31English4
Das Erlanger klinische Ethikkomitee2005/03/01German4
Morals and dependency – ethical conflicts in the hierarchical system of a hospital2007/07/26German4
Advance care planning in psychiatry2016/08/08German4
Patientenverfügungen und Advance Care Planning bei Demenz und anderen kognitiven Beeinträchtigungen2016/04/01German4
The support for second victims as an issue of organizational ethics2017/03/24German4
Canine hypothyroidism and its effects on the cardiovascular system2020/05/26German4
Intersex(e) und alternative Heilungsstrategien2004/03/01German4
Zur Frage der Verbindlichkeit von Patientenverf�gungen2004/09/01German4
Ethische Aspekte der k�nstlichen Ern�hrung bei nichteinwilligungsf�higen Patienten2004/09/01German4
Die Kraft der Konkretion oder: Die Rolle deskriptiver Annahmen für die Anwendung und Kontextsensitivität ethischer Theorie2009/08/25German4
Marginal effectiveness as a reason for rationing – conceptual clarification and preliminary ethical considerations2009/05/28German4
Priority setting at the macro level. Health care in relation to other fields of social policy2010/07/20German4
Asymmetries of the public and providers views of the orthodontic treatment need Orthodontic practice and orthodontic standards as an area of conflicts between patients, physicians and society2014/03/04German4
“Medicine of desire” between commercialization and patient-centeredness2006/03/01German4
Culturally sensitive advance directives in pluralistic societies – The example of Muslim patients2008/09/01German4
Zwischen Selbst-Deutung und Interpretation durch Dritte:2008/09/01German4
Die Dokumentation Klinischer Ethikberatung2009/03/01German4
Die effiziente Organisation2011/11/05German4
Levels of explicability for medical artificial intelligence: What do we normatively need and what can we technically reach?2023/04/03English4
“Medical necessity”: challenges of a fuzzy concept2018/07/11German4