Journal of Memory and Language

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Random effects structure for confirmatory hypothesis testing: Keep it maximal2013/04/01English5,741
Mixed-effects modeling with crossed random effects for subjects and items2008/11/01English5,063
The Nature of Recollection and Familiarity: A Review of 30 Years of Research2002/04/01English2,287
Categorical data analysis: Away from ANOVAs (transformation or not) and towards logit mixed models2008/11/01English2,105
Category Interference in Translation and Picture Naming: Evidence for Asymmetric Connections Between Bilingual Memory Representations1994/04/01English1,264
Memory and the self☆2005/10/01English1,259
Balancing Type I error and power in linear mixed models2017/06/01English933
Tracking the Time Course of Spoken Word Recognition Using Eye Movements: Evidence for Continuous Mapping Models1998/05/01English736
Bilingual Language Switching in Naming: Asymmetrical Costs of Language Selection1999/01/01English657
Word Segmentation: The Role of Distributional Cues1996/08/01English571
Semantic Influences On Parsing: Use of Thematic Role Information in Syntactic Ambiguity Resolution1994/06/01English550
Rethinking interference theory: Executive control and the mechanisms of forgetting2003/11/01English549
Lexical access in bilingual speech production: Evidence from language switching in highly proficient bilinguals and L2 learners2004/05/01English546
A Rose by Any Other Name: Long-Term Memory Structure and Sentence Processing1999/11/01English513
The Representation of Verbs: Evidence from Syntactic Priming in Language Production1998/11/01English491
Age Constraints on Second-Language Acquisition1999/07/01English469
Probabilistic Phonotactics and Neighborhood Activation in Spoken Word Recognition1999/04/01English418
Event-Related Brain Potentials Elicited by Failure to Agree1995/12/01English415
More use almost always means a smaller frequency effect: Aging, bilingualism, and the weaker links hypothesis☆2008/04/01English407
Infants′ Sensitivity to Phonotactic Patterns in the Native Language1994/10/01English391
Analyzing ‘visual world’ eyetracking data using multilevel logistic regression2008/11/01English381
The independence of combinatory semantic processing: Evidence from event-related potentials2005/02/01English381
Orthographic Neighborhood Effects in Bilingual Word Recognition1998/10/01English355
Category norms: An updated and expanded version of the Battig and Montague (1969) norms2004/04/01English347
Infants′ Sensitivity to the Sound Patterns of Native Language Words1993/06/01English341
Examples of mixed-effects modeling with crossed random effects and with binomial data2008/11/01English337
Remembering Mistaken for Knowing: Ease of Retrieval as a Basis for Confidence in Answers to General Knowledge Questions1993/02/01English331
A new on-line resource for psycholinguistic studies2004/08/01English329
Recognition of Cognates and Interlingual Homographs: The Neglected Role of Phonology1999/11/01English326
Word Segmentation by 8-Month-Olds: When Speech Cues Count More Than Statistics2001/05/01English319