IEEE Control Systems Letters

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Optimal Markov Policies for Finite-Horizon Constrained MDPs With Combined Additive and Multiplicative Utilities2023/01/01
Geometric Convergence of Distributed Heavy-Ball Nash Equilibrium Algorithm Over Time-Varying Digraphs With Unconstrained Actions2023/01/01
Overlapping Fusion Estimation for Discrete Time-Varying Interconnected Systems2023/01/01
A Distributed Algorithm for Solving Linear Equations in Clustered Multi-Agent Systems2023/01/01
Robust Microphase Separation Through Chemical Reaction Networks2023/01/01
Thermodynamic H ∞ Control of Multidomain Power Networks2023/01/01
A Hybrid Neural Network Approach for Adaptive Scenario-Based Model Predictive Control in the LPV Framework2023/01/01
Cooperative Learning for Adversarial Multi-Armed Bandit on Open Multi-Agent Systems2023/01/01
Indirect Data-Driven Observer Design Using Neural Canonical Observer Structures2023/01/01
Synchronization for Linear Networked Systems Subject to Input and Communication Delays2023/01/01
Strengthened Circle and Popov Criteria for the Stability Analysis of Feedback Systems With ReLU Neural Networks2023/01/01
Optimal Decision-Making for Autonomous Agents via Data Composition2023/01/01
Improving Primal Decomposition for Multistage MPC Using an Extended Newton Method2023/01/01
Fast, Smooth, and Safe: Implicit Control Barrier Functions Through Reach-Avoid Differential Dynamic Programming2023/01/01
Design of a Distributed Switching Model Predictive Control for Quadrotor UAVs Aggregation2023/01/01
Deception by Motion: The Eater and the Mover Game2023/01/01
Supervised Learning of Lyapunov Functions Using Laplace Averages of Approximate Koopman Eigenfunctions2023/01/01
Error Analysis of Regularized Trigonometric Linear Regression With Unbounded Sampling: A Statistical Learning Viewpoint2023/01/01
Flatness-Based Control Strategy for n Parallel Connected Boost Choppers and n Sources With Differing Characteristics2023/01/01
Data-Based Extended Moving Horizon Estimation for MISO Anesthesia Dynamics2023/01/01
Distributed Spatial Filtering by a Two-Hop Consensus-Type Algorithm2023/01/01
An Analytic End-to-End Collaborative Deep Learning Algorithm2023/01/01
Anti-Windup Design for a Reaction-Diffusion Equation2023/01/01
A Stackelberg Viral Marketing Design for Two Competing Players2023/01/01
Sub-Optimal Moving Horizon Estimation in Feedback Control of Linear Constrained Systems2023/01/01
Iterative Learning Control of Discrete Systems With Actuator Backlash Using a Weighted Sum of Previous Trial Control Signals2023/01/01
Decentralized Control of Large-Scale Systems Under Asynchronous Denial-of-Service2023/01/01
Exploiting Invariance Properties to Certify Always and Eventually Signal Temporal Logic Operators for Hybrid Dynamical Systems2023/01/01
Global Controllability Criteria and Motion Planning of Regular Affine Systems With Drifts2023/01/01
A Hybrid Redesign for Robust Stabilization Without Unit Input2023/01/01