IEEE Control Systems Letters

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Nonsmooth Barrier Functions With Applications to Multi-Robot Systems2017/10/015
Feedback Control of Bioelectronic Devices Using Machine Learning2021/10/014
Willems’ Fundamental Lemma for State-Space Systems and Its Extension to Multiple Datasets2020/07/013
Self-Configuring Robot Path Planning With Obstacle Avoidance via Deep Reinforcement Learning2021/04/013
Willems’ Fundamental Lemma for Linear Descriptor Systems and Its Use for Data-Driven Output-Feedback MPC2022/01/012
Line-Independent Plug-and-Play Voltage Stabilization and ℒ₂ Gain Performance of DC Microgrids2021/11/012
A Distributed Fault Estimation Approach for a Class of Continuous-Time Nonlinear Networked Systems Subject to Communication Delays2022/01/012
Reinforcement Learning Approach to Feedback Stabilization Problem of Probabilistic Boolean Control Networks2020/01/012
One-Shot Verification of Dissipativity Properties From Input–Output Data2019/07/012
How Training Data Impacts Performance in Learning-Based Control2021/07/012
Primary Control Effort Under Fluctuating Power Generation in Realistic High-Voltage Power Networks2021/07/012
Robust Distributed Fixed-Time Economic Dispatch Under Time-Varying Topology2021/10/012
Guaranteed Obstacle Avoidance for Multi-Robot Operations With Limited Actuation: A Control Barrier Function Approach2021/01/012
H∞ Tracking Control for Linear Discrete-Time Systems: Model-Free Q-Learning Designs2021/01/012
Learning an Approximate Model Predictive Controller With Guarantees2018/07/012
Network-Cognizant Time-Coupled Aggregate Flexibility of Distribution Systems Under Uncertainties2021/11/012
Covid-19 and Flattening the Curve: A Feedback Control Perspective2021/10/012
Robust Nonlinear Control for the Fully Actuated Hexa-Rotor: Theory and Experiments2023/01/012
Finite-Sample System Identification: An Overview and a New Correlation Method2018/01/012
Consensus-Based Distributed Estimation in the Presence of Heterogeneous, Time-Invariant Delays2022/01/012
Non-Asymptotic Identification of Linear Dynamical Systems Using Multiple Trajectories2021/11/012
Data-Driven Minimum-Energy Controls for Linear Systems2019/07/012
Control Barrier Functions for Signal Temporal Logic Tasks2019/01/011
Input-to-State Safety With Control Barrier Functions2019/01/011
On the Exponential Stability of Primal-Dual Gradient Dynamics2019/01/011
Input-Dependent Structural Identifiability of Nonlinear Systems2019/04/011
Stability Analysis for Switched Uncertain Nonlinear Systems With Dwell Time and Delay in the Active Mode Detection2019/04/011
Analysis and Control of Genetic Toggle Switches Subject to Periodic Multi-Input Stimulation2019/04/011
Encrypted Cooperative Control Based on Structured Feedback2019/01/011
Third Order Sliding Mode Observer-Based Approach for Distributed Optimal Load Frequency Control2017/10/011