IEEE Control Systems Letters

Title Publication Date Language Citations
On Resilient Supervisory Control Against Indefinite Actuator Attacks in Discrete-Event Systems2022/01/011
A Two-Stage Mechanism for Demand Response Markets2023/01/011
A Globally Convergent Adaptive Velocity Observer for Nonholonomic Mobile Robots Affected by Unknown Disturbances2023/01/011
Robust Social Welfare Maximization via Information Design in Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian Games2023/01/011
Model Predictive Control Based on the Generalized Bouc-Wen Model for Piezoelectric Actuators in Robotic Hand With Only Position Measurements2022/01/011
Robust Interval Observer for Systems Described by the Fornasini–Marchesini Second Model2022/01/011
Look-Up Table-Based Tire-Road Friction Coefficient Estimation of Each Driving Wheel2022/01/011
Sensor Failure–Tolerant Observer Design With Regional Pole Placement2022/01/011
Online Motion Planning With Soft Metric Interval Temporal Logic in Unknown Dynamic Environment2022/01/011
An Isochron-Based Solution to the Target Defense Game Against a Faster Invader2022/01/011
Prescribed-Time Robust Differentiator Design Using Finite Varying Gains2022/01/011
Nabla Fractional Distributed Optimization Algorithm Over Unbalanced Graphs2024/01/011
Private and Accurate Decentralized Optimization via Encrypted and Structured Functional Perturbation2023/01/011
A Data-Driven Approach to the L₂ Stabilization of Linear Systems Subject to Input Saturations2023/01/011
Positive Dynamical Networks in Neuronal Regulation: How Tunable Variability Coexists With Robustness2020/10/011
Torque Vectoring for High-Performance Electric Vehicles: An Efficient MPC Calibration2020/07/011
Continuous Finite-Time Output Regulation of Nonlinear Systems With Unmatched Time-Varying Disturbances2018/01/011
A Simultaneous Adaptation Law for a Class of Nonlinearly Parametrized Switched Systems2019/07/011
“Weak” Control for Human-in-the-Loop Systems2019/04/011
Distributed Inverse Optimal Control for Discrete-Time Nonlinear Multi-Agent Systems2021/12/011
Leader-Following Consensus of Second-Order Multi-Agent Systems With Switching Topology and Partial Aperiodic Sampled Data2021/11/011
Mesh-Based Piecewise Affine Abstraction With Polytopic Partitions for Nonlinear Systems2021/11/011
Training Robust Neural Networks Using Lipschitz Bounds2022/01/011
Capturing the Effects of Transportation on the Spread of COVID-19 With a Multi-Networked SEIR Model2022/01/011
Adaptive Output Formation-Tracking of Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Systems Using Time-Varying $\mathcal {L}_{2}$ -Gain Design2018/04/011
Controllability of Boolean Networks via Mixed Controls2018/04/011
Generalized Absolute Stability Using Lyapunov Functions With Relaxed Positivity Conditions2018/04/011
A Scalable Model-Based Learning Algorithm With Application to UAVs2018/10/011
Exponential Hidden Markov Models for <inline-formula> <tex-math notation="LaTeX">${H} _\infty$ </tex-math> </inline-formula> Control of Jumping Systems2018/10/011
Distributed Averaging Control for Voltage Regulation and Current Sharing in DC Microgrids2019/01/011