IEEE Control Systems Letters

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Data-Driven LQR Control Design2019/01/011
Matricial Wasserstein-1 Distance2017/01/011
An Improved Lion Strategy for the Lion and Man Problem2017/07/011
Can the COVID-19 Epidemic Be Controlled on the Basis of Daily Test Reports?2021/07/011
Epistemic Uncertainty Quantification in State-Space LPV Model Identification Using Bayesian Neural Networks2021/04/011
Formal Synthesis of Lyapunov Neural Networks2021/07/011
An Extended Kalman Filter for Data-Enabled Predictive Control2020/10/011
Optimal Control Design for Perturbed Constrained Networked Control Systems2021/04/011
Five-Full-Block Structured Singular Values of Real Matrices Equal Their Upper Bounds2021/04/011
Separable Control Lyapunov Functions With Application to Prostheses2021/04/011
A Population-Based Approach to Study the Effects of Growth and Division Rates on the Dynamics of Cell Size Statistics2021/04/011
Multi-Robot Guided Policy Search for Learning Decentralized Swarm Control2021/07/011
Achieving Almost Feedback-Linearization via Low-Power Extended Observer2020/10/011
Nonlinear Input Design as Optimal Control of a Hamiltonian System2020/01/011
On a Two Cutters and Fugitive Ship Differential Game2019/10/011
Sliding Mode Control Techniques and Artificial Potential Field for Dynamic Collision Avoidance in Rendezvous Maneuvers2020/04/011
Output Tracking Control Design of Switched Boolean Control Networks2020/04/011
Resilient Control for Cyber-Physical Systems Subject to Replay Attacks2019/10/011
Successive Over-Relaxation ${Q}$ -Learning2020/01/011
Trajectory Tracking on Complex Networks With Non-Identical Chaotic Nodes via Inverse Optimal Pinning Control2018/10/011
Distributed Algorithm for Suppressing Epidemic Spread in Networks2018/07/011
Data-Driven Participation Factors for Nonlinear Systems Based on Koopman Mode Decomposition2019/01/011
Design of Stabilizing Dynamic Output Feedback Controllers for Hidden Markov Jump Linear Systems2018/04/011
A Rank-Preserving Generalized Matrix Inverse for Consistency With Respect to Similarity2019/01/011
Identification of Sparse Reciprocal Graphical Models2018/10/011
Model-Free Stochastic Reachability Using Kernel Distribution Embeddings2020/04/011
Cooperative Aerial Load Transportation via Sampled Communication2020/04/011
Bipartite Consensus in Networked Euler–Lagrange Systems With Uncertain Parameters Under a Cooperation-Competition Network Topology2019/07/011
Stochastic Game in Remote Estimation Under DoS Attacks2017/07/011
Robust Gradient-Based Adaptive Control of Nonlinearly Parametrized Plants2017/10/011